Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] what it be " in BNC.

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1 Erm and basically what it is is it 's a government sponsored this er which erm well the rules may have changed cos they 're always changing the rules of these things .
2 Grattan Direct Line and we 're just like a company Grattan but Grattan own it sort of thing and basically what it is , it 's a daily delivery to the door .
3 I have been thinking about my nearly twenty years friendship with him and especially what it was that he gave me in terms of belief and understanding of the job .
4 Please could you let me know i ) if the council has set any time limit on these protracted negotiations and if so what it is and ii ) when planning consent is given will it apply from the date the original application was approved or the date the conditions were approved .
5 He or she may even know the number of consultants within a particular firm , how it has been performing , what are its key issues , how it has grown over the past year and generally what it is doing and how successfully .
6 So it 's very much what it does , and not what it is .
7 If we could know both where a particle was and also what it was doing , it would then have to be in a state which was simultaneously an eigenstate of the position operator x and also an eigenstate of the momentum operator p .
8 The first time the boss interrupts you , you write down , er boss , on the appropriate column and then what it was about , and the elapsed time , and all the rest of it .
9 But what is particularly interesting in the context of what his house became in the Second World War — and indeed what it is today , a Post Office Engineering Training establishment — was his financial interest in the Anglo-American Telegraph Company .
10 It 's , it 's a very simple organism , but basically what it 's there for is to ensure the future of T four genes , and this is what i it 's doing , and presumably natural selection has er selected it in such a way that it is an optimum design as far as , as far as doing this er is concerned , because it would be in competition with mutant T fours who did it in different ways , and presumably this is the kind of T four that seems to succeed .
11 Otherwise the tt building will have deemed to not comply to B one of the building regulations which I do n't want to go into too much detail but basically what it is that with effect from nineteen ninety one the smoke alarm smoke detector bill came into er operation and it was brought in into the nineteen ninety two building regulations when they were amended from the nineteen eighty five regulations that states now any new build homes shall have and be fitted with a mains operated , with battery backup , smoke detection system .
12 What we have done is we have erm been able to utilise some A C T capacity or generate some A C T capacity within one of the subsidiaries within the group um the reason for highlighting it highlighting it is not particularly to make a song and dance about it but is particularly to say that on the cash flow statement there is this in-flood and it is a one off in-flood we 're not going to be seeing that being brought forward every year , but basically what it is is we have profits in previous elements of the group which enabled us to generate A C T capacity enabled us to off set this A C T which we paid on dividends and bringing forward earlier than we would otherwise have done .
13 For no matter how much it is objected that it can not be stated definitely from these considerations just what the thing is like according to its nature , but only what it is like in respect to one thing or to another , it may still be said what there is in it which makes it appear to be this in respect to one thing and that in respect to another ; and consequently it may be said both to be one thing according to its nature and to be this or that in respect to other things .
14 It is often said that one of the problems with antiracism is that it knows what it is against , but not what it is for .
15 As the situation in the United States shows , it is not merely how much money is spent on health care that is important , but also what it is spent on .
16 I do not know as yet what it is , but I know it is not that .
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