Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] as [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 It 's probably best not to feed your fish for the first day or so as they settle in ( though some fish will feed within a few minutes of being stocked ) .
2 That OR play a team like Aston Villa home or away as they try and win whatever … so you always get open games .
3 And what is more , I 'll give it or not as I please ; and I 'll be buggered if I 'll ask permission of some pushy little perisher before I do so . ’
4 Come here to see me if you will ; mother asks you , and I want you , but it is for you to come or not as you feel best , or as you like .
5 But she put it up here , I think probably to make it easier , I mean if anyone 's had , I do n't know if anyone had children in the seventies when it was the fashion to wear very long skirts , or even as I find going up and down stairs in my nightie , you 're more than likely to fall and break a leg and the baby 's neck at the same time , if you wear a long skirt .
6 We must approach observations of linguistic behaviour with the same careful attitude as we approach other kinds of behaviour or indeed as we approach our electrophysiological observations .
7 Rather than so As I say you associate the car and the number together .
8 We 've already seen that just as we have different tastes , so we all have different sensitivities .
9 Here children like her and others are studying for ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels knowing that soon as they leave school they go right on the dole .
10 The face has always had a dialectical relationship to art and , today perhaps , this is stronger than ever as we view the face — in portraiture — with a scepticism characteristic of our age and as we witness the convergence of popular culture and fine art in so many spheres .
11 Their expertise lies in enabling others and others to take advantage of arts facilities and helping them erm or working with them to produce the things that happen , for example all the erm posters which were up during last years festival erm were produced in conjunction with community arts which erm has erm er produced on Ditchfern Place , erm and earlier this morning I was thinking that up as I think other councillors did , that more serious of projects which community arts are now entering into er in Chesterton in particularly in the children erm I think councillors went to Dickfield women 's photograph project and it is things like that about giving people confidence to join arts in a way erm with which they might never otherwise have experienced and the community arts have taken just that .
12 You will find that out as you arrange the information or evidence to back it up .
13 Some of the questions may not be very important ; you find that out as you make the answers .
14 And so as I understand it that 's the situation
15 The temptation must be resisted as firmly and valiantly as I have resisted the other , more obvious , more sensual lures and snares .
16 And especially as you say to be humorous .
17 We learn to see God as he really is , and not as we have imagined him to be .
18 Sister Mary Leahy , who organised the prayer week at Seacroft , explained the purpose of these personal interviews ; ‘ Prayer is a relationship with God , so as a prayer guide , I would want to help people to recognise God in their lives — relating person to person — speaking to God and listening to him — coming to God just as they are and not as they think they ought to be . ’
19 He sits there looking like John Knox being unimpressed by Mary Stuart , and just as I think he 'll never let me increase my overdraft he says , ‘ Aye , life 's not easy for a woman alone with no head for business .
20 You put your guitar down for a second , and just as you turn away there 's a horrible discordant ker-draanngg ! , accompanied , if you 're unlucky , by the even more expensive noise of your headstock suddenly leaving the band to embark on a solo career .
21 And just as you have in the past answered our call for money , so you are now ready to answer our call for people .
22 And I 'm going as slow as I can go and I 'm just taking everything in , and I 'm unwinding , I 'm relaxing mentally and physically as I do it because that 's what I feel I need at the moment , and having that ability is good .
23 ‘ The seating on older buses is replaced to make it comfortable and the buses are easier for people to get on and off as they have a lower floor . ’
24 She is as honest and upright as they come , but has landed like a ton of bricks on younger members of staff whose behaviour she does n't approve of .
25 Since a child 's ability to produce a particular sound will vary according to the speech context ( Ingram 1976 ) , the Goldman-Fristoe test samples speech sounds in three positions within words ( initial , medial and final ) and also as they occur in sentences .
26 And whilst you 've heard comment from Mr last week about the County Surveyor 's view that the capacity of the radials really outside the City and also as they enter the City , the key impact within the City of York is on the inner ring road , because all the traffic tends to end up there .
27 The third phrase uses the same device : the second half ( ‘ my thoughts ever stray ’ ) repeats the first ( ‘ And now as I wander ’ ) at a higher pitch .
28 But it 's a duster you take to it , not one of the latest hydraulic drills , and even as you dust , you must do it lovingly .
29 I have seen at long last that I need to be free of my beloved mistress and even as I write that word it is hollow for how can I love one who no longer has the least regard for me ?
30 Finally , and even as I write , new and deeper understandings of the Lorenz system are in the offing { 12 } .
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