Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] it [be] for " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. Friend agree that his earlier answer emphasised once again how essential and right it was for the Government to stand up against allowing homosexuality in the armed forces ?
2 The future should always be a volatile mixture of trepidation and excitement and so it is for The Wedding Present .
3 And so it 's for you it 's for me , for the person sitting beside you and behind , it is for every one of us !
4 And so it was for Wirral , for , as we shall see in Chapter 2 , the Index was collecting ‘ epidemic ’ data but its guardians did not recognise or communicate the fact .
5 And so it was for Former Labour Leader Michael Foot and front bench spokesmen , Chris Smith and Donald Dewar as they slugged it out with John Patten and Peter Lilley .
6 And so it was for Lt Clyde Sparky Cosper , based at Thurleigh in Befordshire , but who 's selfless bravery saved a Chilterns Town from total disaster in 1943 .
7 Th the notes that 're attached are actually for er he 's been looking into the matter and basically it 's for information only really
8 We 've been feeling for some time that our children are feeling that they 've been left alone , because er when they come to the temple they are too young to understand anything which is being explained from the stage , because er the speakers , or the preachers , have to cater for all the age groups and normally it 's for the , those who understand , already understand about Sikhism .
9 No individuals will be identified , and really it 's for the future , er , so you , there may be the opportunity of er , new words , recorded .
10 It was all the rage during the war ; it 's still looking pretty good 50 years on and now it 's for sale for £40 .
11 Well I think Simon for doing it is a really excellent way of doing it , it states the source of items , suggestions or quiffs , and makes a proposal erm , which we can debate agreed , and then it 's for clear instructions to what needs to be changed on the procedure .
12 He misinterpreted the Act and he failed to allow himself to have the jurisdiction to deal in a flexible manner with the children , which is the whole purpose of the Act , and consequently it is for this court to make the order that it appears Judge Galpin would have liked to have made and felt impeded from so doing .
13 He thought he could remember that he and Peter had fastened their rope to a spur or spike of rock and accordingly it was for such a feature that he searched .
14 She told herself she wanted to have her photograph taken so that she could send it to Aunt Sarah , but really it was for herself .
15 But now it is for me , the analyst , to take over .
16 And that was mainly for dog dirt but now it 's for other hazards int it ?
17 I should do something now , because perhaps it was for want of normal company that Eleanor Thorne lay until her mind turned the corner into madness and final decay , I should go out , I should not allow myself to brood , to carry out my sister 's peculiar whims and defer to the judgments she passes upon me .
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