Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] have [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or whether or not to have another gin and tonic ?
2 Even though the defendant knew the names and addresses of all customers , the quality of contact was not of the degree required in order to establish that he was ever regarded as " being the business " or even had any influence over the customers .
3 I have already put forward my view that in the foreseeable future there is unlikely to be a sufficiency of common purpose or tradition to create out of a federal Parliament the necessary cohesion for it to control , or even to have much influence over , the unelected central bodies , especially the Commission and the Court of Justice .
4 In some cases they do not conform to the kinds of sources that naturally have such material inherent to their structure .
5 Even so , the power to predict and control the environment is enormously enhanced by a capacity to associate neutral events with those that already have some importance for the animal .
6 She she passed that and she ha he said that just have another lesson on your your test and you 'll be alright .
7 Yes but , I do n't think Gordon , it 's only Thomas that really has any caravan , sometimes Percy is n't it ?
8 However , since the private person has chosen to deal in commercial goods , ( and presumably has some expertise in relation to the subject matter of the contract ) such exclusion is more likely to be reasonable than if consumer goods were the subject matter of the contract , and hence the transaction were a consumer transaction governed by s 6(2) .
9 I mean th they , they might do n't necessarily see why it 's improving and what 's behind it , but their lot must improve if there 's industrialization and weapons and things to be made , that they they have jobs and presumably have more money than they had before when they were just sort of not doing very much .
10 He suggests , instead , that local government reorganization took place precisely because local government is not ‘ a simple instrument of either the central state or dominant interests ’ and so has some room for political manoeuvre ( 1979 , p. 221 ) .
11 Nature has seen to it that for the most part we see things as they are , and so have little occasion to say , ‘ It appears to be … . ’
12 Sometimes , mothers find it necessary to work ( mainly in service industries ) and so have little time to spend with the children .
13 Harvard dealers know more than their counterparts at newer bucket shops , and so have more choice of career direction .
14 The market mechanism fails to provide a means whereby workers can signal to firms that they would demand more goods and services if only they could get jobs and so have more money to spend .
15 Such terms are often found to be more-or-less transferable from one problem to another , and so have some claim to significance beyond the level of the particular problem in which they were derived .
16 Our four weeks at Orange had been made up of marching , singing , being hit and not having enough sleep .
17 is the aim , what , I mean somebody came up with the aim , in actual fact , despite whatever else you might be doing , whatever politics were behind it , the aim was to prevent AIDS no matter what you were doing , and not to have any kind of prejudice against what you were doing as long as the aim
18 It was impossible to get any indication since my instructions from the Foreign Office were to negotiate only with Mr Smith and his people and not to have any contact with the black population during the period of my negotiations .
19 In these circumstances , they tend to be in desperate need and thus have little power , so are frequently offered the worst properties with little possibility of being offered a better property on refusal .
20 Borrowers are increasingly sophisticated and thus have less need of information that the intermediary can offer , particularly as lead manager performance can be monitored in the grey market , i.e. information asymmetries are becoming less important .
21 This is why we have discussed the many different types first , and thus have some idea of all the possibilities available to us .
22 He can delegate other parts of his job and still have enough policy making decisions and planning left to keep him occupied .
23 Clearly , your commercial is going to have to achieve some kind of miracle if it is to avoid boring the pants off the heavy viewer and still have some impact on the light viewer .
24 His Congo campaign achieved its preliminary aim in 1908 when the Free State was handed over to Belgium , and thereafter had some success in pressing the latter to adopt specific reforms , despite the reluctance of the British and French governments to antagonize Belgium , on whose friendship their European policies depended .
25 I will make new friends at university and hopefully have more experience in the knowledge of what friends really are .
26 Both these features of service employment have specific social implications ; for example , part-time workers are often lower paid and need to work quite near home , while the self-employed usually must have their own transport and also have less security at times of sickness or slack employment .
27 ‘ Charlotte Graham-Watson was almost born on skis in Verbier and probably has more experience of skiing there than anyone else ! ’
28 Discounts for block hours etc are widely available in both countries , and hence have little relevance to the comparison except in absolute terms .
29 This state would be less ordered , and hence have more entropy , than the initial state of two separate boxes .
30 We have to stop taking life so seriously and really have some fun with it ’ .
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