Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps the increasingly unstable environments of the late Cainozoic associated with climatic deterioration caused a selection for eurytopic organisms well adapted to withstand environmental instability .
2 In the Near East Italian remained until as late as 1820 or so the most important diplomatic language , though there interpreters and translators were indispensable as nowhere else .
3 The questions raised during the modelling exercise were a mixture of those concerned with furthering the knowledge of the analysts in relation to the facts about present procedures and responsibilities , and those concerned with whether or not the systemically desirable activities were being undertaken , by whom , and with what level of effectiveness .
4 Certainly , because those very small farms contribute so little to agricultural productivity — just 29,000 farmers out of about 120,000 commercial holdings are responsible for almost 60 per cent of farming output — many people within the industry query whether or not the very small farm should be legitimately classed as a farm .
5 By taking into account and weighing these and any other relevant circumstances , the court will ensure that it does not seek to exercise oppressively or unreasonably the very wide jurisdiction conferred by the sections .
6 The more palatable impression of retirement peacefully spent in the warmer climes of retirement homes on the south coast ( or now the more exotic coastline of southern France and Spain ) is available only to a privileged few .
7 The 1976 Salzburg Easter Festival Lohengrin , the designs based on fourteenth-century illuminated manuscripts and lit with a rare luminous aura , must rank as one of the most beautiful of all Wagner productions in recent memory , ; but , in a sense , it is invidious to single out this rather than the Ring or the Tristan , the Parsifal , or even the menacingly spectacular designs , half real , half fantastic , for the 1982 production of Der fliegende Holländer .
8 Washington had come a long way from the converted house of 1835 , the charmingly simple Italianate villa of 1851 , or even the pleasingly revivalist Baltimore and Potomac of 1873–7 .
9 Enclosure may not have been the only or even the most potent of the forces increasing and impoverishing the rural proletariat in the southern and Midland counties , but it was impor-tant in bringing many to a total wage-dependency .
10 The most probable effect of exposure to light is a change of colour , but this is not necessarily the only or even the most important effect .
11 But this is not the whole , or even the most important part , of our view of the world .
12 It is ridiculous to suggest that a magazine article , book or even the most expert of instructors can teach you exactly how to perform the complex set of movements involved in , say , gybing .
13 The less dominant the task-centred actor(s) , the less widely spread , or even the less clear , the behaviour of the maintenance actor(s) .
14 If he were feeling particularly arrogant he could justifiably demonstrate his point by playing the heavy metal ballad-like solo on Suede 's Where The Pigs Do n't Fly or even the absolutely stunning Keith Richards-style solo on Metal Mickey .
15 The New Democrats ' distortion is nationalism : not the reasoned nationalism of the anti-federalists in today 's European Community , or even the relatively disciplined nationalism of 19th-century Western Europe , but something much more primal .
16 The language that the layman has to learn is not the original machine code or even the more modern FORTRAN or PASCAL , which is used by scientists , but is generally BASIC , which , as its name denotes , is a very straightforward set of instructions in simple English .
17 Sometimes they will be joined by ‘ mealy ’ redpolls — so called because of their paler plumage — from farther north , or even the more exotic Arctic redpoll with its beautiful ‘ frosted ’ plumage .
18 In a context where design debate , narrowly conceived , seems to be meeting with little success in evaluating design 's social import , the questions raised — is design the means whereby we can shape future socio-technological systems to create a richer and more emancipated life or simply the often impotent agent of techno-economic systems ? — become a means to general design understanding .
19 Some help may come from looking at large law and consulting firms , where even the most senior partners tend to be specialists , and associates who will not make partner are outplaced fairly early on .
20 ‘ Under my economic programme , we will build an America where even the most privileged pay their fair share , not because we want to soak the rich , but because we want to stop soaking the middle class and ask everybody to bear their fair share , ’ he said .
21 Although arguably the most constructive approach , this is usually the one which creates the greatest controversy .
22 ( It is interesting to observe that perhaps the most influential art magazine in the West , ARTFORUM , New York , has in the later 1980s not only devoted special features and reviews to photography , but now runs regular columns on television , on news photography and on advertising ) .
23 Only half convinced of the truth of my new thesis , and not wholly sure of where exactly I am , I can nevertheless recognize with some satisfaction that perhaps the most disconcerting thing a character in a novel can do is to announce that he is indeed a character in a novel .
24 Does he agree that perhaps the most significant development in regard to foreign policy was the clear and unambiguous agreement to widen the Community to embrace the emergent democracies in eastern Europe , and will he make that one of the key aims of the British presidency under the next Conservative Government ?
25 It is in regard to erosion rates that perhaps the most dramatic progress has been made and in addition to world patterns of discharge , Walling and Webb ( 1983 ) have now reviewed earlier attempts to portray world patterns of sediment yield , some of which conflicted quite significantly , and have provided a revised map of global sediment yields based upon data from nearly 1500 measuring stations and pertinent to sediment yields from basins of 1000 to 10,000 km 2 in area .
26 It was in Leeds that perhaps the most remarkable scheme was undertaken : at Quarry Hill , on 26 acres east of the city centre , from 1934 onwards ( Ravetz , 1974b ) .
27 Dismissing the argument that the directives were unreasonable , perverse or out of proportion , the judge said that perhaps the most startling feature of them was how little they restricted the supply of the ‘ oxygen of publicity ’ to the specified organisations .
28 In almost every society we know something about , except perhaps the very simplest , there are individuals who specialize in music or who are regarded as more skilled ; in this respect , notation brings about not a total change but an added stimulus , and even without it , there can develop — as in blues or in British ‘ folk ’ traditions — an idea of particular songs being attached in some way to individuals : ‘ that 's X 's song ’ .
29 He sometimes had the feeling that all the more delicate growths were being quenched and ousted by the rougher stuff , if one did not intervene .
30 This is despite the fact that all the more straightforward definitions of " marriage " fail to fit the peculiarities of the Nayar case .
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