Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] you see " in BNC.

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1 and we 'd go off to Felixstowe or somewhere but you see we still went away because he had four first class passes a year
2 And perhaps when you see Chatterton leave us you might bring us the lunch menu . ’
3 And if I can see , if you say you 've had the blood test done in around , I du n no , two weeks , at your convenience and then if you see me in about five , which will be at the end of those , which
4 But actually , just look , turning the page , it tells you activity and production , right , how many days worked this year , forty days , how many weeks , eight days , and all the rest , and then if you see we can get this is based on your data , that you 're feeding into the computer every week , and there 's absolutely no purpose in putting false data in .
5 The effects of the present structure of Heathrow but even if you see er , if you travel into from Heathrow on the M four to West Central London
6 Soft cuttings may root after only a few weeks , so pot individual cuttings as soon as you see new young leaves or white roots at the base of containers .
7 All variegated hollies tend to revert occasionally , sending out all-green shoots , which should be removed as soon as you see them .
8 It is important to remove carnivorous animals such as centipedes as soon as you see them , otherwise they will rapidly eat the remainder of your catch .
9 Right so as soon as you see that you think ,
10 And they says as soon as you see one coming you sa say can I got make your bloody mind up which one do you want !
11 You should be drawn to that negative index as soon as you see one .
12 As soon as soon as you see a parked car you should be looking to see what 's behind its and there 's about six policeman behind
13 No , no no , no I said to her if we could just know , cos er , moving bodies and cars and so on , she probably understands but she said as soon as you see a doctor out here , speak to them and , and then we can erm , but they may know somebody
14 less broken even as well as you see .
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