Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm she was go , on her way to Churk or somewhere and said to Jan would you like to meet for lunch first ?
2 I can er either buy one in Asda or somewhere or forget about it and have a fresh tree .
3 For the pulsing of the walls was slow and vegetal and the pillars soared and rose in a tracery of veins and she was in a hollow in some living thing with no way out above or below nor escape to the sides .
4 Dig down — use a stick , not your hand — for a foot or so and drop in a piece of paper .
5 ‘ The result is : ( 1 ) That this Act does not necessarily require anything to be done under it which might not be done without causing a nuisance ; ( 2 ) That as to those things which may or may not be under it , there is no evidence on the face of the Act that the legislature supposed it to be impossible for any of them to be done ( if they were done at all ) somewhere and under some circumstances , without creating a nuisance ; and ( 3 ) That the legislature has manifested no intention that any of these optional powers , as to asylums , should be exercised at the expense of , or so as to interfere with , any man 's private rights .
6 Whether platelet endo-peroxides have a proaggregatory role in their own right or only when converted to thromboxane A 2 has been the subject of many studies ( Bunting et al , 1983 ) .
7 English law has special provisions to allow for computer records to be admitted , however , it is currently uncertain whether the conditions apply to all computer evidence or only when admitted as hearsay .
8 Sophia sighed but did not answer , for on such an occasion as this there was n't really time to go into whether Penelope particularly liked Rupert Stonebird or not or to embark on the sort of explanation that a man could n't be expected to understand .
9 Still others questioned whether any war could ever be worthwhile or just when fought between Christian and Christian ; the doctrine of Christian love , such as Langland voiced in Piers Plowman , seemed incompatible with war .
10 Thorough preparation of the plot before sowing also say off those other perennial horrors , couch and horsetail , both of which can go down 6ft or more and spread in all directions .
11 Although their protection was n't evident Millie was conscious of it , and there were times when she felt as hemmed in as she had done during that tortured year or more when guarded by the sisters .
12 The timing of the move to other pastures may be dependent on other farming activities , but if it can be delayed until October or later and accompanied by an anthelmintic treatment then eggs from any worms which survive the treatment are unlikely to develop due to the unfavourable winter temperatures .
13 These were of particular interest because they confirmed suspicions that Syrian traffickers were developing close commercial ties with the Colombian cartels , trading heroin base for cocaine base and bartering either or both as required for arms supplies to terrorist and revolutionary groups around the world .
14 The report continues with a list of cases in which disputes over fixtures in listed building led to a public enquiry , a court case , or both and concludes with a section entitled ‘ How to make the legislation more effective ’ , which provides advice to owners , information on Stop Notices and calls for control over the sale of fixtures .
15 The side walls of the fire brick can be moved in or out as needed by the type of work proposed , with 10–12in sufficient for most tool work .
16 This is an important topic ; it often happens that an approximate reciprocal of a matrix A is known : perhaps from a rough calculation , or one in which an error has been made , or even that belonging to a neighbour matrix of A. Refinement of this approximate reciprocal is then required .
17 One of the major problems with this is that the private benefits accruing to households or families who take up either family planning or conservation measures are often not clear — either as perceived to exist by households themselves or even as calculated by economic models .
18 Lyons could legitimately maintain that scribal records have some potential , according to the institutions in which they are developed and used , for reliability as defined in that culture or even as defined by him .
19 In fact , financial targets might be seen as equivalent to constraints imposed by shareholders in a public company who require dividends of a certain level ( or indeed as related to constraints on regulated companies who must earn no more than a certain return on capital ; see chapter 5 ) .
20 A shape can be flipped from left to right , mirror imaged vertically and / or horizontally and rotated through any angle as mentioned earlier .
21 It has been suggested that rather than rely on plantation , natural regeneration should be encouraged by clearing 200m swathes through the forest .
22 He assumed , however , that rather than evolving over the ages to suit their environment , they had been ‘ ready-made ’ by God to the perfect design needed for where He placed them .
23 This means that rather than having to be deliberately cut down and low on features for fear of competing with its big brother , it can try its best .
24 The oil spilt from the Braer was unusually light and toxic , and this , combined with fierce storms which mixed it into the seawater and caused it combine to form clumps with fine particles churned up by the waves , meant that rather than floating to the surface , as is normal with spilt crude oil , it was carried by ocean currents far from the spill site and later redeposited in deep " sumps " on the seabed .
25 A much broader common core has been designed than just that experienced in a formal group setting .
26 In California the advance towards a new ‘ post-industrial ’ society has been more rapid than elsewhere and according to Bradshaw and Blakeley ( 1979,6 ) the four distinguishing characteristics of this ‘ prototypical advanced industrial society ’ are : ( a ) high technology ( for example , the explosive growth of microcomputers in the hitherto rural ‘ Silicon Valley ’ ) ; ( b ) up to 70 per cent employed in the service ( tertiary ) sector and only 5 and 25 per cent respectively in the primary ( agriculture ) and secondary ( manufacturing ) sector ; ( c ) the intense rate at which knowledge is generated and transmitted ; and ( d ) increasing interdependence between places for goods and services .
27 And these days they can look more attractive than ever when matched to hardwood window frames and internal doors .
28 I have arranged a two-day debate in the House so that I may express that clearly and listen to the views of the House .
29 Is it not now time to say that clearly and to work with , we hope , the new Turkish Government , to bring pressure on Mr. Denktash to show some realism in the matter ?
30 I think that also that said to me at the point that there is , people need to er , be paid attendance because otherwise you deny people the opportunity to be able to stand for council , there , otherwise you are going to end up with those that are either rich or retired as the only people who can attend a council which , and therefore we must remember that and make sure those who want to have the opportunity to participate in local government are actually compensated for their , for their erm , for their work .
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