Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [be] not [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 More fertilizer might mean more grain ( and more carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide to add to the greenhouse effect ) , but there obviously comes a point where more fertilizer does not mean a bigger yield or perhaps is not justified on cost grounds , particularly when grain prices are low , as they were for part of the 1980s .
2 By ill fortune the period of upheaval coincided with a large increase in the volume of work of the higher criminal courts , resulting in problems of delay that still are not eradicated .
3 They now have responsibilities that formerly were not given or offered .
4 There is of course no need to be unduly alarmed at these discrepancies ; we should reflect that any normal language presents numerous instances where certain recalcitrant items refuse to fit into a generally acceptable pattern ( e.g. for no very obvious reason the " expected " adverbs difficultly and longly are not accepted in English and have to be replaced by the phrases with difficulty and for a long time . )
5 Any increase in price per person payable as a result of a part cancellation is not a Cancellation Charge and so is not covered by Norwich Union Insurance .
6 They are not Undead , and so are not kept at bay by a Zone of Sanctuary .
7 But the first two pairs were on adjacent lanes three and four and so were not affected by any inequality in the lanes .
8 Exchange rates had only been adjusted as a last resort by deficit and surplus countries , and so were not used speedily enough to prevent prolonged payments imbalances and exchange rate crises .
9 Representatives of foreign governments were persuaded to give large sums to the contras , but were not asked directly , so the story went , and so were not solicited .
10 The morning rehearsals each day were a Tiller rule not demanded by the management and so were not paid for .
11 Thus , for example , the items get , next , never did not show the phonetic range of variation characteristic of the /Ε/; class in Belfast and so were not counted as tokens of ( Ε ) ; in fact , they varied between [ Ε ] and [ ? ] , forming a small phonolexical set of which the total membership can not easily be specified .
12 ‘ We believe that our results show conclusively that neutrinos do not undergo oscillation and thus are not mixed states in a quantum-mechanical sense . ’
13 The first of these influences represents the influence of aggregate demand since the key term , m t , is an economy-wide average : its influence is not specific to one particular market — it affects all markets and hence is not indexed on .
14 Deciduous trees appear less affected than conifers , partly because they offer a smaller area of foliage , and partly because they shed their leaves each autumn and hence are not exposed to air pollution for such a long time as conifers .
15 Yet what about all those addicts that acquire drugs illegally and hence are not registered ?
16 In contrast , the utility-based argument associated with Buchanan ( 1958 ) does not quarrel with when the resources are used but rather points to the fact that debt-holders have voluntarily taken up the debt and are being compensated for decreased present consumption by the enhanced future consumption that interest and repayment will allow , and hence are not made worse off .
17 It was designed to be a communication between experts , discussing technical issues within their own subject field and hence was not intended for ’ public consumption ’ .
18 It was seen more as a patriotic form of national self-expression than as a pro-nazi organization and hence was not closed down in September 1939 when war was declared .
19 Lacan 's work is not subject to empirical verification , and indeed is not meant to be .
20 They moved more slowly in arts and social studies , and indeed were not authorized to develop degrees in the humanities as the English polytechnics were doing .
21 The reason for the procedure is that the consideration shares issued by the bidder to accepting shareholders are issued for a non-cash consideration ( ie the shares in the target ) and accordingly are not required to be offered to the bidder 's shareholders under the pre-emption provisions of CA 1985 , s89 , because that section only applies to new issues for cash .
22 Again , infantile masturbation and other sexual practices are tolerated — even regarded as amusing by adults — and certainly are not prohibited or censored .
23 Clearly , the recipient who does nothing does not enter into a contract to buy the goods and therefore is not bound to pay .
24 The right hon. Bruce Millan is no longer a Member of this House and therefore is not protected by privilege here .
25 One of the major differences of the Department of National Savings relative to other financial intermediaries is that it does not hold an asset portfolio to back up liabilities held , and therefore is not constrained by the need to adhere to liquidity , solvency or capital adequacy regulations ( given that funds are backed by the Treasury and are therefore essentially default-free ) .
26 Conservation techniques do not fit into agricultural and pastoral practices and therefore are not applied by farmers or pastoralists .
27 A similar proportion of parental and cells died under these conditions ( Fig. 1a ) ; in both cases , the proportions of apoptotic cells were greater than those shown in the figure , as many of the dead cells detached from the substratum and therefore were not counted .
28 He is small and not particularly bright , but yet is not patronized by people , and is taken seriously and listened to , unlike Lennie .
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