Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [pron] [vb -s] me " in BNC.

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1 It 's all good-humoured teasing and winding up , and for my part I 've long since ceased to care whether or not anyone regards me as the worst climber in the world or some sort of antediluvian relic with no rights to any opinion on ‘ rock climbing as it is done these days . ’
2 It steals between us in such a way that whether or not he sees me only as the outline Woman , I see him through it only as the crude outline Man .
3 I 'll bet she thinks that directly she lets me into the A.R.R.U. I 'll do a Charlie Peters !
4 And having my kind of build , being quite big and wearing miniskirts , I know that sometimes it gets me the wrong kind of attention from boys only interested in physical relationships .
5 Although occasionally she reminds me of Liza at that age . ’
6 And besides he repels me , so clumsy and big with his cat eyes .
7 ‘ She 's seen me like this every morning for over a week now , ’ he told her , giving her a cheeky grin , ‘ and still she loves me . ’
8 This column has already reported an addition to Matthew Hall 's family and now it gives me pleasure to report another addition at the Dodge Chemical Company — but this time its not another birth , it is the news that Adrian Haler 's daughter , Patricia Lewis joined the company on August 17th .
9 And now he expects me to clean and cook for him . ’
10 And now she wants me to find out how can er found out about a solicitor or somebody who specialises in this sort of thing .
11 And I feel really guilty , I think oh I better bring her in and then she wakes me up at six o'clock bouncing on the bed !
12 And then he ditches me , gets a new contract with that shit Martinez and starts winning tournaments .
13 And then it gets me .
14 bores him , but he wo n't and then it pulls me , I want to do what the majority wants to do and then he do n't and I feel guilty cos I think oh I should be with him , but
15 Ibrahim 's got a video and sometimes he lets me watch it .
16 And sometimes he lets me pull the strings .
17 Crilly calls me ‘ Jezebel ’ , and sometimes he calls me ‘ Jez ’ .
18 He 's always pleased to see me and sometimes he gives me food and stuff .
19 He has a few years on me — maybe ten — and sometimes he treats me like the son he never had .
20 Thank you very much , er , conference , and indeed it gives me great pleasure to address you this morning .
21 Ignoring the dig , Lucy said , ‘ Paula keeps a small sailing boat with an outboard motor , and now and again she lets me use it .
22 Lucy in black sleeveless polo neck — so smooth and tight it makes me dizzy .
23 I 've only been there once and I thought he did n't like me much , but now he wants me to do a dozen PDs tomorrow . ’
24 I do hope it 's not the bitterness of someone who is n't logical , but sometimes it makes me emotional .
25 he calls me Steph but sometimes he calls me Piggy . ’
26 Because suddenly he has me ( it 's mad , he kidnapped me ) laughing at him and pouring out his tea , as if I 'm his best girl-friend .
27 I mean , I 'm scared of anything up , they 'll be some conflict and you do get these kind of people in college as well it frightens me
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