Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But no subject received more attention than Mathematics and no curriculum project then or since has received such massive support as the Entebbe programme and its successors .
2 But research over the past 40 years or so has revealed some great surprises in the natural world .
3 Or really have thrown that grenade at you . ’
4 The economic situation in Zambia then and since has prevented any such ambitious project from being carried out .
5 However , such quantities are difficult to measure and so have received less attention .
6 Although it might be very easy to steal from a friend or colleague and not get caught most people would feel this to be ‘ wrong ’ , yet such feelings may not exert such a strong influence over decisions as to whether to steal from a larger and less personal victim .
7 Furthermore , the fact of strangers coming into Newcastle from a distance in perfect health and not having had any contact with cholera cases … being then suddenly seized with premonitory symptoms , and speedily passing into collapse , proves that it was the result of atmospheric infection . "
8 They 'd been delighted therefore to renew acquaintanceship at the beginning of the tour ; and thereafter had spent many an hour together , talking about old comrades they 'd known — those who 'd come through , and those who had n't … and reminiscing about some of the ‘ local talent ’ the GIs had been only too happy to discover , in Oxford itself and in some of the surrounding towns and villages .
9 A refusal in such circumstances may well not reflect my employer 's true feelings on the matter , but once having sustained such a dismissal , I could not easily bring it up again .
10 He plays central defender at Lyn but also have played some games up front — he has played wide back , midfielder and attacker on our national team .
11 But even having said that , er it is still performing in my view or would perform an extremely valuable er service in terms of taking out the A fifty nine through traffic .
12 The three climbers who originally passed the message to them were eventually traced , and confirmed that not only had they informed the Guardia Civil in person on the 21st , but afterwards had phoned each day to see if Jeremy had been found .
13 The strapping Scotland full back 's own cheerful confidence has always been infectious while Ian McGeechan was known to have been much struck by the esprit de corps he had engendered in a Scotland XV who but recently had undergone some drastic changes of personnel .
14 He might as well have knocked all the breath out of her body .
15 I might as well have had that shower , she thought drily ; at least I would have felt a hundred times more human .
16 Well we may as well have got that money and thrown it down the toilet !
17 In the context of what Canada achieved — solid victories over Fiji and Romania , a six-point loss to France in a game that most Canadians feel could just as well have provided another win , and , finally , defeat by New Zealand and a heart-stirring two-try finish — Birtwell and his squad have good reason to be satisfied .
18 The only scholar as yet to have followed this scent is Tom Paulin in his Thomas Hardy ; The Poetry of Perception ( Totowa , New Jersey , 1975 ) .
19 The effect of jurisdictional error of law is said to be to render the affected decision void or a nullity in the sense that the decision is treated as never having had any legal effect .
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