Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [prep] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The immense , landless mass of Pacific water is more or less as it always has been .
2 He had been there since he left the Pit a year earlier and Tom had spent a week or so with him back in February .
3 More recently , of course , Hytner has become the internationally acclaimed director of Miss Saigon , but he claims that he does n't want just to be a director of musicals , or only of anything else for that matter .
4 It follows that if we know the exact pitch of the siren , it is theoretically possible to work out how fast we are moving towards or away from it simply by listening to the apparent pitch and comparing it with the known " true " pitch .
5 The majority of councillors were aged 45 or over with none under 24 , the oldest being 85 .
6 If the answer to the pursuer 's case is that the fault for the accident rests wholly or partly with someone else , consideration should be given now to service of a Third Party Notice by which that other party blamed can be brought into the action .
7 This may be through its action in scavenging nitrite and thus preventing the formation of nitrite derived mutagens , or alternatively through its less specific anti-oxidant properties .
8 At its most typical , this new form of innovation is at least primarily a marketing function , and this contrasts sharply with other kinds of innovation , which , governed by internal cultural purposes , often find themselves at the very margin of the market or indeed outside it altogether .
9 Life events were three times more common among depressed patients and depressed women in the community than among nondepressed women ( 61 per cent , 68 per cent and 20 per cent ) , but only if the events constituted a marked or moderate long-term threat and focused on the woman herself or jointly with someone else .
10 In a stand-up scenario , as the crazy newsagent , Merton was on form ( although rarely at his very best ) , but put him in one of his sketches and the limitations of his acting are obvious .
11 Surrounded as we are by solutions of all kinds , each one supported by persuasive evidence of attested success , we can not but be tempted into the belief that somewhere among them there will be one which matches our particular teaching problem and which can therefore be slotted into our situation like a cassette or a computer programme .
12 Although not of itself usually intended to be legally binding , we find that the heads of agreement act as a useful instruction to the lawyers , since the terms convey the intentions of the principals and deal with many of the theoretical and technical points that each side 's lawyer feel duty bound to raise .
13 No , we 've tried all the bleeding business , and he said it 's , the trouble is it 's the bathroom and toilet , you moment you turn that slightly off it just cuts the ba er , kitchen off straight away .
14 There was no sign of the son , an undersized , sly creature who had spent more time in prison than out of it ever since he had been old enough to get himself down to the city and into trouble .
15 The pronouns do not ‘ stand for a noun ’ , nor indeed for anything else , but map out paths of communication between human beings , transactions .
16 " No , we need to cross the river , Hazel , so that we can get into those fields — and on beyond them too .
17 He goes and on and on and on about it now .
18 with them and all , it must be so harping on and on about it like .
19 ‘ But he was most keen that the thing should n't go on and on like it usually does . ’
20 I get it form most of his kind , who remember that I was once a private investigator , and so to them not far removed for law .
21 Individuals often utilize these deeper blocks , consciously or unconsciously , in order to hide the ‘ unpleasant ’ truth from other people , and perhaps from themselves too .
22 Alan took him back into his bedroom and walked up and down with him mechanically , trying to soothe him .
23 The child can have his football boots because the words ‘ we ca n't afford it ’ will be linked to the long-gone and not-lamented past : the tyrant can not control against the will of the subject because he can not frighten his people with notions of helplessness and poverty : the employer will have to charm and wheedle his workers if he wants them to work for him : he will have to sing and dance to entertain them : enthuse them with pleasure for their daily toil : they will be paid with the world 's respect , and all around them there will be abundance .
24 This is very unusual for a European wine region ( in most cases , vineyards generally face south to some degree ) and especially for one as northerly in latitude as Champagne .
25 My best wishes for the start of your classes in September , good luck to those of you starting new classes and especially to our newly qualified teachers .
26 This new legislation adds substantially to the armoury of pre-publication censorship , and together with our more traditional legislation of post-publication censorship , forms a disarming net around freedom of expression .
27 Most of their important critical texts , Edwards remarks , are theoretical , in that they prompt fundamental reflections about the basic nature of writing , even if , ‘ One notices about such writing that it does not necessarily offer itself as theory , that it is directed towards what we now call literature and not towards something else . ’
28 Whatever you 've done you 've done for science and not for me personally , whether you see it that way or not .
29 I thought that Carl could be right about this — better to get out , relax and concentrate on what I was doing and not on anybody else .
30 ‘ I do want to play Premier League football next season , but with Portsmouth and not with anyone else . ’
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