Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adj] as [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her few originalities are so naive as to be laughable ( such as her picture of the persons of the Trinity sitting on different-coloured cushions ) or so deranged as to be pitiable .
2 When the original ingredients of a dish become obsolete or so debased as to be unrecognizable radical change is preferable to make-believe replacements .
3 Table 6.9 Sterling commercial paper The development of the market has not been as rapid or as extensive as in many other European countries .
4 The staff had heard it before on numerous occasions but nothing as severe or as noisy as on this particular night .
5 It 's been an ever-present feature in PFK — but has never been as large , colourful , or as popular as at present — number one in almost every reader survey of the past few years .
6 It has already been noted that , over the period , taxes on capital gains were either non-existent or very favourable as against taxes on profits and dividends [ Kay and King , 1978 ] .
7 These were trades liable to seasonal and cyclical fluctuations , but where unemployment was neither so frequent as to be uninsurable , nor so low as to be unnecessary .
8 In his Golden Bough Sir James Frazer had difficulty in making up his mind between the two rival theories of the fire-cults and fire-festivals which are found intimately connected with the agricultural year throughout those parts of the world where the sun is neither so bright nor so constant as in the cloudless skies of Egypt .
9 ‘ Though no doubt Quirinus would be more than slightly curious as to our errand in the Greshorns .
10 LEAs will probably be reluctant to use this power and rather uncertain as to the kinds of circumstances when it should be exercised .
11 In theory it is possible to obtain insurance against warranty liability ( e.g. Directors and officers ) but in practice the insurers are normally so demanding in the kind of confirmations they require and so restrictive as to what they will insure ( eg not taxation ) that this is rarely practicable or worthwhile .
12 A short way further on is the handsome village of Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry , most fetchingly set amidst the hills and so long-drawn-out as to be really two villages , with the river in between them .
13 When the southernmost stars also were divided up , the whole situation became somewhat chaotic ; various astronomers invented their own constellations , some of which were so small and so obscure as to be unworthy of separate identity .
14 Conran found himself beleaguered and somewhat bemused as to why his group should suddenly be the focal point of so many would-be suitors .
15 As we said then , these were indicative in character and not comprehensive as to the levels or to the range of performance which might emerge at any one level or from a particular child .
16 In England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland , where that is no longer the case , the age of consent for male homosexual behaviour in private is 21 and not 16 as for heterosexual relationships .
17 THREE gunmen — and not two as at first believed — took part in the Castlerock massacre of four workmen , police revealed today .
18 Records added to a file are blocked in the same way as the original data and not unblocked as in ISAM .
19 The correlation between median age at first marriage and infecundity at ages 20–24 years is negative and as strong as in the case of proportion married at exact age 16 years .
20 And as far as in the appraisals I mean I found when I did the three s part staff and , and I was , it was that pilot and , and I know
21 The sun was high and as harsh as on any day Sharpe remembered from the long campaigns in Spain .
22 Plus ça change : in the 1990s these words ( apart from their dated gender references ) remain as relevant and as enlightening as in the 1970s and at the beginning of the century : the problem of poverty is the condition of the normal man [ and woman ] in normal circumstances , neither better nor worse off than his [ or her ] neighbours , not of those whose failings qualify them to be the text for the moralist , and who are no more common in the manual working-classes than in other sections of the society .
23 Teachers in comprehensive schools can be as imaginative and as devoted as in any other kind of school .
24 That is , they want to be sure that the scrutiny of takeovers in third countries moving into the EC is as thorough and as fair as in the Community .
25 O. coriacea superficially resembles Ophiotrema alberti from which it differs by the lack of distinct spinelets on the disk ; the shape of the adoral shields which are straight and do not have an indented proximal edge while those of Ophiotrema alberti are more wing-like and indented over the second oral tentacle pore ; the shape of the oral shields which are arrow shaped not round and almost hemispherical as in some specimens of Ophiotrema and by the absence of tentacle scales in Ophiotoma .
26 The differences are therefore in the expected direction but so slight as to be unremarkable .
27 Here it was again , but so strong as to be an insult to the word stench .
28 Concerned as to whether he was adequately looking after himself , but especially concerned as to his future as a writer .
29 It was dark but not black-dark as inside the tube .
30 Edward pushed forward the bounds of secular authority usually in reaction to some clerical move or in defence of the needs and customs of royal government ; but as much as by the king this boundary was advanced by his subjects , whether suing for their individual rights and interests through the king 's courts or acting as royal justices , and not a few of these aggressive subjects were in fact clergy themselves .
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