Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] are [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 If you delay the answering of letters , of course that creates more letters chasing up the first ones and that is again where you are getting your priorities wrong , admittedly on a very small items .
2 English Heritage chooses now to stress the responsibility of the many boroughs of which London is made up : ‘ Our policy is , in consultation with the boroughs , and over an agreed programme , to withdraw from the exercise of our powers where we are duplicating their functions ’ .
3 This not only reinforces our licence to operate in established areas but also supports our being welcomed to new areas where we are developing our business .
4 Under the Government 's Citizen 's Charter initiative , we have published a charter leaflet detailing what customers can expect from us , and the 1993 Corporate Pan emphasises areas where we are improving our services .
5 Those which are well but just look lost … are best left where they are to take their chances
6 Ideally , you should adjust your eating so that you are meeting your aims for goal weights or are at least 2 to 3 lb ( 1 kg ) within your goal weight for any particular week .
7 After being responsible for your pet 's welfare for many years you may feel that you are repaying your pet 's love and loyalty by arranging for their death .
8 Certainly , you should make it clear by words or conduct that you are exercising your right to treat yourself as having been dismissed .
9 I might feel imagine now that I 'm a rather severe confessor , or a psychoanalyst faced with what I believe they call denial , or the flight into health ! — I might feel that you are concealing your deeper feelings from yourself .
10 Using a variation ( possessive it 's ) means that you are asserting your right to your own language ; but you may well also alienate your reader , who might decide that , at least in her or his view , " you ca n't write properly " .
11 ‘ I think at least ’ , she suggested carefully , ‘ that you are forgetting your husband .
12 Once you have assured yourself that you are doing your best in this respect , you can go on to look at other possible causes , if you still feel generally unfit or without a zest for life .
13 Work on anaerobic endurance at the same time that you are raising your aerobic platform .
14 It was like being in a supermarket during late-night shopping , with that overpowering sensation that you are losing your space .
15 You may use your hands to emphasise points — not in too exaggerated a way , but sufficiently to show that you are putting your whole being into it .
16 The starting point is your recorded time and if this has been exaggerated and the defendants refuse to pay it will give the appearance that you are under-settling your costs .
17 Ralph Ellis , group managing director of the carpets firm , Stoddard Sekers International , said : ‘ We are confident that we are holding our share , but it is of a smaller cake . ’
18 There is probably an equal number of people , for example , who think that the less able have a poor deal , and that the system should be geared more towards improving their lot , and on the other hand of those who think that it is the most able who suffer , and that we are wasting our educational resources unless we tilt the system towards them .
19 My right hon. Friend says that we are to continue our tradition of offering a haven to refugees .
20 There can be little doubt that we are seeing their real diversions , that these are their own instruments and the clothes they would really have worn .
21 Providing a service to our members is absolutely paramount and we need to show them that we are considering their needs in which section we put them in .
22 Now the plot actual and fitted , right , so we try to explain the actual block of textile consumption as the blue line and to do that we are using our model with those fixed estimates , the incoming elasticity and the price elasticity .
23 The psalms help us to interpret this , by reminding us that we are given our heart 's desires when we also delight in God :
24 This holds good on condition that we are restricting our attention , as in this study , to syntax ; once we take the broader view which embraces speakers ' knowledge of vocabulary as well , then we must admit a real analogue to this relation since speakers are quite aware that their language habitually uses , for example this set of words to instantiate E , and that set of words to instantiate P ( or , in most languages , various sets of words to instantiate the Ps occurring in various different intensional patterns ; see Appendix B , Section 7 ) .
25 However , I am writing to Alan Harlow to state our disappointment ; to point out that we can not continue to pay subscriptions if the grant is not increased ; that we are doing our best to find sponsorship ( I 've written , on my own initiative , to 3 companies who might be willing to help , on environmental grounds ) ; that sponsorship from SNH is pretty unlikely , a ) because they do n't do any core funding , and b ) because the NCC element appears to be dominant there anyway ; that sponsorship from the Sports Council is also unlikely , though we are seeking a meeting with Terry Dowey of SSA as soon as possible .
26 Maybe he 's a little bit worried that we are challenging his supremacy .
27 We only pay interest on what we have actually borrowed so we are keeping our outgoings down till our new production facilities come on stream . ’
28 The auctioneers Phillips have asked us to point out that they are not giving up on the continent , although they are reducing their representation there ( The Art Newspaper No. 21 October 1992 , p. 27 ) .
29 They say in the Hello ! magazine article that they are breaking their silence in the exclusive interview because ‘ now we have something positive to tell . ’
30 Now the rate has halved because each of those estate agents has so many properties to sell that they are organising their own crowded sales .
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