Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] i [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Now I am never ashamed of anything , for I consider shame to be a bourgeois and petty emotion , but this was the one occasion when I felt ashamed of myself , and I have never forgotten how sad it made me to have denied my principles for the sake of friendship and love — or what I imagined to be love .
2 Nonetheless , the flow-chart-cum-module model is much more open to interpretation in terms of localization ( if only because both are normally explained and displayed spatially ) , and therefore any explication of consciousness in their terms will tend to be a localized model , or what I referred to as a pinball-machine view of consciousness , one that seems to me a priori implausible .
3 But I did n't look , I did n't stop , it was raining so bad Thursday morning and windy that I I went to the market , I cut straight through and went up and Di went to get the paper then he went .
4 Well there used to be just me but then they 've employed another one and we were so fed up with being on nights that we said look , I 'm afraid we 've had enough of this , you know so she I said to her how about you allocate us each to a ward you see
5 ‘ So from then on I had to make sure that everything I presented to Shawcraft was in the form of a very concise constructional drawing — and that took time — a lot of time .
6 Maybe people were seeing me as something other than what I wanted to be naturally .
7 Well there is n't and I I said to Mike what did it look like , you know ?
8 With the leave of the House , Mr. Deputy Speaker , I wish once again to refer to the St. Kentigern-Oatridge problem , which is repeated in all our constituencies in one form or another , and which I recommend to some diligent Peer in the other place .
9 This portion of the ocean 's surface was also inhabited by storm petrels , but of a distinct species from any I had hitherto observed , and which I believe to be new to science .
10 Well , that does n't matter , it 's me it 's recording and whoever I talk to .
11 and he I said to him , I said you got new neighbours ?
12 ‘ I have no … merits yet ; and what I want to be would be nothing to you . ’
13 I suppose you may say : ‘ Why should I be more green ’ ? and what I say to that is : ‘ I do n't know what the reason is for you but I do know that for me it 's about showing compassion for the planet we live on and trying to hand on as much beauty and good-will as we possibly can to future generations ; while improving our own quality of life .
14 Erm but I I want to and I 'm not sure where to go from here , I 'm not sure
15 But I I need to you see I need some buttons for Beverley and Melanie 's cardigans .
16 But what I objected to most was the all too often blanket opposition to change .
17 Well can we get this sor stuff sorted then , because this is gon na go on forever , because I I think to be quite honest it is a lack of communication between two parties
18 that 's right , yeah , but whether they I suppose to be in a position
19 Not that I have to make the same choices as someone I acknowledge to be more discriminating , since my differently constituted palate may react differently , but my own choice will be better informed if I heed nuances which I would have missed if he had not pointed them out .
20 But you see , as I I said to her I said , no Angela it 's alright is that I said , but I said
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