Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] was [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They keep questioning me , always asking where I was what I did why I did it , did all of them where I was who I was with who am I trying to kid why do n't I just admit I did it well if I did n't do all these things , who did ?
2 But Salome had said say nothing , so nothing was what I said .
3 But I ruined my own life — and more importantly I ruined Ashi 's too — because I refused to admit that I was what I was . ’
4 ‘ You wanted to authenticate that I was who I said I was ? ’ she questioned .
5 Rosa Jacobsen confirmed in Elisabeth her determined quest , not directly , but indirectly , for Rosa was like Marie Grubbe , of whom it had been written that she was someone who ‘ sought flowers in the tree of life where others would never think to look — under dark leaves and on dry branches ’ .
6 Probably making a mental note of it , already determined to check out that she was who she claimed to be , and not Lotta 's mischievous accomplice .
7 ‘ Thank you , that was very good of you , ’ she murmured politely , but , feeling intimidated suddenly — or was that her guilty conscience again at work , she got to her feet and handed him the proof that she was who she said she was .
8 She thought her brain must be slowing up , because if he was certain at the start that she was who she said she was , why would he ring England ?
9 I was basically told that there was nothing they could do about it , and that if I wanted a harmoniser that worked I would have to buy a separate rack unit .
10 I gathered , however , that they expected it to continue to get worse and that there was nothing they could do except give me vitamins .
11 He thought that she must be feeling a great deal of pain , and that there was nothing he could do about it , and that , if his suspicions were correct , her pain would get a great deal worse …
12 But as his eyes travelled across to Elinor 's crowd , with their frizzy haloes of hair , their flowered dresses and carefully arranged profiles , he realized that there was nothing he could think of to say that would persuade them he was anything other than a boring little man .
13 Her doctor had told her that there was nothing he could do for this problem , so she decided on private treatment from a doctor that a friend recommended .
14 It seemed to Harry that there was nothing he could usefully say to this bewildering and terrifying man , and indeed that he was not required to speak .
15 One young woman , Lucy , told how sad she felt that her mother had very low self-esteem , believed she was unattractive and overweight — even said once that there was nothing she could do or be that Lucy and her sisters ‘ could n't do or be better ’ , which made Lucy feel envied and forced into competition with her mother , when she did n't want to be .
16 And , looking down at the still-outstretched arm , the glazed and open eyes , the great scarlet pool soaking into the earth , she knew that it was a body , that he had gone for ever , that there was nothing she need fear from him ever again .
17 I feel like that the situation in which Carrington was in is what God does and that I 'm part of that situation , and that he was going to die , and that there was nothing I could do about it .
18 I could see he was going to be unhappy about it for a long time , and that there was nothing I could do about it .
19 I did n't want to accept defeat , to acknowledge that there was nothing I — nor anyone else — could do to help , ’ Ace replied , and it silenced her for a moment , as perhaps it was meant to do .
20 What disturbed her was the feeling , at the back of her mind , that there was something she ought to have understood .
21 At the end of the lunch , Branson said in a faltering voice that there was something he had been thinking of doing , and he wanted to ask Laker how he would feel about it .
22 ‘ He was quite temperamental because of his perfectionism , and he was always concerned that there was something he was not doing with the material ; in other words , he blamed it on his delivery . ’
23 Then he remembered the copy of Ruggiero 's letter , and realized that there was something he could do after all .
24 ‘ No , I am not ; merely that there was something he had previously kept to himself which he confided to your brother .
25 Well , it now seemed that there was someone he wanted to see in Glasgow , so he was taking this chance to fit that in .
26 I do not play golf , nor do I have any particular interest in the sport , so there was nothing I could teach Peter in the practical sense .
27 ‘ That living is not in Switham 's gift , you see , so there was nothing I could do about it . ’
28 ‘ They both have trades that are drastically needed and felt that it was something they could offer to help these children , ’ explained Mark 's girlfriend , Sarah Howe .
29 About six months ago , we mutually decided that it was something we could do without .
30 But it started to make me feel scared that it was something I was going to have to bring up for the rest of my life .
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