Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hanging equipment on hooks and pegs , where there is one hook or peg for each piece of equipment to be stored in this way — perhaps labelled with a picture symbol .
2 Where there is one chargepayer in the property a community charge reduction will be given if the 1991–92 community charge in your area is higher than your 1989–90 rates plus £52 .
3 Lord Sands in the Reid 's Trustees case at p529 stated : The dicta which might be founded upon … as indicating that a trust may be regarded as a mere agency or conduit pipe , are strictly limited to the case where the circumstances are similar , viz. , where there is one beneficiary and the estate is already realised and duly invested .
4 Nightlife is fairly low key , and centres mainly around restaurants and bars , although there is one disco .
5 Suppose that there is one adatom in a unit cell ( Fig. 1 ) .
6 It is my view that when you look at all the locational criteria contained in policy H two and as we 've discussed them , you 'll reach the conclusion that there is one corridor that best meets those criterion , is the A sixty four northeast of York , sector six .
7 Further I believe that there is one concept and one only that can satisfy that need , and that is the concept of a Created God with origins founded , as are those of mankind itself , in the very beginnings of life on earth .
8 In a sense it is equivalent to a track in an ISAM file , in that there is one index entry per control interval .
9 Today , the French judiciary is prey to the criticism that there is one law for a German and another for a Frenchman .
10 The French judiciary is prey to the criticism that there is one law for a German and another for a Frenchman
11 I repeat my view , which is shared by my constituents , that a squalid and cowardly decision was announced last week , spelling out the fact that there is one law for those with a voice in the Tory party and another for the ordinary individual in the urban and rural communities of Wales and England .
12 The failure to conclude the Uruguay Round had injected uncertainty into the international trade system , causing trade disputes to resurface , and had led to the " impression that there is one law for the most powerful members of GATT and quite another for all the rest " .
13 Legal aid , in the words of The Laws of Scotland : the Stair Memorial Encyclopedia , is society 's response to the criticism that there is one law for the rich and one law for the poor .
14 It seems that there is one man who helped to carry Saint Winifred 's reliquary to the cart for Ramsey , in all innocence , being asked by a habited brother of the Order .
15 Against all this the ESP addicts will retort that there is one feat performed by some cats that requires an acceptance of telepathic communication between human owner and lost feline .
16 Since brain damage can produce these very precise differences between patients , it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that there is one part of the brain that has the precise function of carrying out each piece of information processing that is specified within the cognitive model .
17 Not all of this man 's behaviour has yet been revealed , of course , but I can assure you that there is one incident to come which in itself justifies almost any degree of the pain that has so far been applied to his brain and his skin and his bones .
18 She continues to say that there is one kind she does not like and that she is going to convey what it is by a process of thought transfer .
19 Does my right hon. Friend agree that to suggest that there is one kind of school that can cater for the needs of all kinds of pupils is an example of the naive theorising that has caused so many problems in education , which we are seeking to address today ?
20 I must admit therefore that there is one passage in this otherwise consummate design ( A Fruit Dish ) of which the meaning escapes me .
21 So it comes as a surprise to discover that there is one section of the department which does have regular problems of robbery and criminal damage — our Parking Section .
22 Elite theories argue that there is one class that dominates in a political system , although which class actually dominates is not necessarily determined by the economic system .
23 can set out cups and saucers so that there is one cup for each saucer ;
24 They have now decided , at a meeting in Luxembourg , that there is one thing the EC can not do and three things it can .
25 Actually , I guess I would n't want to tell it to anybody , not so much because I 'm ashamed ( I tell myself ) as because it 's private ; one last thing I can hide that 's between me and Andy only , so letting me feel that there is one thing at least in which I 've not betrayed him utterly .
26 And what we wan na say to the General Secretary and the C E C that during the talks that there is one thing which must be maintained , and that is the structure of the G M B. The T & g comes to join us on our terms .
27 Those killed were members of trade unions in an area which , with a total of 10,000 troops , has become so highly militarized that there is one soldier for every two banana workers .
28 All these images make the claim that there is one God who is understood in a variety of ways by the world 's different religious traditions .
29 Mohammed is seen as someone who swept away the pagan polytheism of Mecca in favour of the idea that there is one God who is totally separate from the world .
30 Jeremiah and Isaiah never tire of reminding the people that there is one God who can save his people , and that all other refuges are in vain .
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