Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is to be " in BNC.

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1 Broadly speaking , the higher an individual is in the social strata the less likely he or she is to be arrested , prosecuted and ( if prosecuted ) found guilty .
2 Where there is to be a major change in the nature or conduct of the trade , this , in combination with Target 's change of ownership , can mean Target 's carried-forward losses being disallowed under s768 , and can also disallow carry-forward or carry-back of Target 's unutilised ACT ( see s245 TA 1988 and s81 Finance Act 1993 ) .
3 Where there is to be a separate exchange and completion , which can be for a multitude of reasons , or where there are conditions which need to be satisfied before completion of the subscription can take place , then the subscription and shareholders ' agreement will set out the various conditions precedent and how they are to be satisfied .
4 The contents of the Church of Scotland ceremony and where it is to be held is entirely at the discretion of the minister .
5 And , of course , who it is for and where it is to be sent back to — facts which often seem to be forgotten .
6 It must be stated clearly for whom the grammar is written , and where it is to be used .
7 Like all taxes they consist of two elements : the tax base , or what is to be taxed ; and the tax rate , or the amount to be levied on the tax base .
8 It is not stated who is to determine whether the conditions have been observed , or what is to be the consequence of subsequent non-observance .
9 Likewise Caroline Bynum , in Holy Feast , Holy Fast , her book about medieval women religious , pours a rigorous historian 's scorn on the idea that the extreme penitential fastings of some of these women can really be diagnosed as anorexic , or as any other sort of neurosis ( as proposed for example by Rudolph Bell in Holy Anorexia ) : not merely are the case histories inadequate , but these women 's understanding of their bodies , of their relationship to Christ , of their right to participate in his sufferings , of their sense of identity , their very selves , was formed in a social environment so different from our own that nothing is to be gained by reading off their lives in this way rather than exploring in proper detail what it was they did feel and think .
10 However , he learns to his anger and dismay that she is to be married .
11 SCREEN goddess Liz Taylor is furious that she is to be portrayed by Raquel Welch , the star she dislikes more than any other , in a film .
12 This crowded historical panorama of war and the power of beauty describes the birth of Ayesha as the mortal daughter of noble Arabian parents but suggests in recounting her long training in mysticism under an Egyptian priest and her guardianship of the Fire of Immortality in the shrine at Kôr that she is to be regarded in part as a spiritual being .
13 We are happy to find that there is to be no repetition of the Buckingham House measures — beginning a vast edifice without money and without a definite plan , the upshot of which could be nothing but bungling .
14 In the Communist Manifesto the claim is made quite explicitly that the family is to be abolished , education undertaken by the state and that there is to be ‘ a more equitable distribution of the population over the country ’ .
15 It is no coincidence that there is a letter signed by 11 paediatricians , a letter from a psychologist and letters in the local press attacking the Hon. Member for Middlesbrough ( Mr. Bell ) and me , and that there is to be a seminar at Teesside polytechnic next weekend , at which the guest speaker is :
16 I am told that there is to be a meeting between the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Transport and General Workers union as soon as it is practicable .
17 In the light of this , it is worth noting that Article B of the Maastricht Treaty states that one of the objectives of the Union would be to maintain in full the ‘ acquis communautaire ’ , and build on it , which implies that there is to be no going back on the matters already governed by Community law .
18 It is quite another matter to be told what taxes to pay and how much unemployment is to be suffered and then as an afterthought to be informed that there is to be no democratic redress .
19 Dounreay has claimed , and no doubt the Minister will concur , that there is to be no increase in the level of reprocessing .
20 If hon. Members know that there is to be a Division at 10 o'clock , they should get here well on time .
21 I was pleased to hear the Prime Minister say that there is to be a debate next week .
22 Surely all political parties would do well to agree that there is to be no political vacuum in Northern Ireland and that we are determined to fight for peace as the future of Northern Ireland .
23 I understand that there is to be a meeting on Tuesday next to decide whether or not to close Garstang Magistrates Court .
24 If it is agreed that there is to be no magic , the teacher and the children must stick by their decision .
25 These applications are not regarded as a mere formality by most courts which may require the originating application to state the grounds in proper detail , for example that the lessor may require to occupy at the expiration of the lease ; that the premises are temporarily surplus to the needs of the lessor ; that the lessee has indicated that he only requires the premises for a limited period ; that there is to be development at the expiration of the term ; that the lessor is only prepared to grant if the section is excluded ; that exclusion of the section has been taken into consideration in negotiations for the rent , or possibly that the premises form part of other premises which brings the provisions of management of the whole into question if the section is not excluded .
26 Although it is to be used , filled out , and completed by one carrier only , its layout resembles that of air waybills whose text is flexible enough to include references to combined transport shipments .
27 History teaching has undergone many developments in the last three decades and no doubt change will continue although it is to be hoped that the pace of that change may diminish .
28 And , although it is to be officially unveiled next month , there is already a waiting list of local people eager to be treated with it .
29 Faragher ( 1985 ) found that police in Great Britain downgraded the seriousness of violence against women in the home , for although formal regulations state that it is to be treated as an arrestable offence , policemen often redefined the incident as lying outside law enforcement ( emphasized by Policy Studies Institute 1983b : 64 ) .
30 Yet there is no sign that it is to be applied .
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