Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pat has got a second class going , for the elderly at the Newquay Day Centre ( where she is up against a simultaneously running Bingo session ) , and would now like to introduce a recreational and/or breathing class to her locality .
2 Just when that dream person is deciding to redial your number he or she is in for a surprise — the second sitting has moved in on your table .
3 Yet talk to any established composer nowadays , and the likelihood is that he or she is about to be embroiled in some kind of operatic project , perhaps planned for the middle-distant future ( timescales are necessarily generous for opera ) but nevertheless fully engaged in the kind of musical thinking that three decades ago would have beyond the wildest dreams for all but the most exclusive , established few — Benjamin Britten and Tippett in Britain , Hans Werner Henze on the Continent .
4 Even the trained and qualified social worker will often admit — or insist — that he or she is out of depth in dealing with the sexual elements ' of a case , while the unqualified social worker is left to struggle with them as well as possible .
5 Dr Tadecki said : ‘ Research in America indicates that someone is up to 50 per cent more likely to lose their temper if they regularly watch violent television programmes such as The Equalizer . ’
6 This means that she is up at two-thirty in the morning , ironing small items of foreign clothing , while the plane is due to leave Gatwick at ten-thirty .
7 The good news is that she is back in the studio and discussing a new recording contract with Island .
8 In the course of this compression of the rescript the mention of a legacy has crept in , although it is out of place .
9 The hon. Gentleman should remember that manufacturing output fell under the last Labour Government and that it is up under this Government .
10 The Irish state telephone monopoly Telecom Eireann has denied a report in the Irish Times that it is up for sale , but shares in Cable & Wireless Plc were up sevenpence at 721p yesterday morning on news it is in talks about possibly buying a 25% stake in the Irish phone company .
11 The Palestinians do , however , acknowledge signs of change for the better in US Jewry , Congress and the Administration , and that it is up to themselves to push them forward in much more effective ways than they have managed hitherto .
12 Senior commission officials say that it is up to national governments to get a move on .
13 Mr Delors insists that it is up to the pontifical authorities to check that everything is above board .
14 The philosophy maintains that it is up to you to take initiatives and through so doing to refuse to be bored .
15 ‘ I feel as with any customer that it is up to the owner whether she wants to show the ring , ’ she said .
16 The majority believe that it is up to the Government to kick-start the housing market again .
17 You should check with your employer that you have made a nomination and that it is up to date .
18 remember that it is up to you what you include on your schedule The more accurately you can assess your expenditure for the next year , the easier it should prove to keep on top of your finances .
19 It is not enough to say , as successive reports from the IMF or the World Bank have tended to do , that it all depends on governments and that it is up to them how the economy prospers .
20 Eventually he is sent to a liberal English school where his emergence into adulthood converges with an increasing political awareness and realization that it is up to the individual to rake responsibility for altering the world around him .
21 An overwhelming 95% of the mothers surveyed believe that it is up to each mother to decide to work or not , and 91% believe that it 's fine to be a working mother as long as the job fits in with their family commitments .
22 The association has stated clearly that it is up to British Rail — and , perhaps , the Government — to take such dangers into account if they wish to increase railway speeds , as many of us would like , and to ensure that people can cross the line safely , even if that means the Government providing the money either for an underpass of for a bridge over the line .
23 Er er that that o o order , order , it 's a very good question er but I fear not that it is up to individual members themselves to exercise some restraint and to and to u order , order , and to use the procedures of this house properly and correctly and not to abuse them .
24 Erm , clearly we are in a room full of people who have a more than marginal interest in the political process erm and that goes for your boundaries of Cambridge city councils er remit and clearly contains also to parliamentary methods erm I 'm trying not to be desperately partisan about this , I do n't expect anybody erm but a phrase has been used earlier this evening from another quarter about if it 's not broke do n't fix it , erm the boundary commission have looked at the boundaries of the Cambridge city constituency have found that it is up to ninety nine percent of the right and proper er number of electors .
25 And the forceplate can monitor a horse 's recovery , showing that it is back to normal or that recovery has stopped .
26 I am sure that the House will welcome the fact that it is down to 3.7 per cent .
27 The whole momentum of the 1984 Act , with its emphasis on detention , interrogation , and confessions , has made the right to silence more vulnerable than ever to allegations that it is out of date , too favourable to criminals , and anachronistic .
28 Musty ‘ off ’ smells mean that it is out of condition .
29 The fact that you realise that it is out of his area of interest but may be useful to him personally should be made clear in the covering note that goes with the sample .
30 Within a few days , it has created a shaft so deep that it is out of sight and beyond attack .
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