Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 IF anyone in the Government has a conscience , I hope it was pricked by your terribly moving picture of Belinda Giles asking Santa to keep open London 's St Bartholomew 's Hospital , where she is being treated for cancer .
2 Mrs Rees , 43 , an activity organiser at Trees Park Village near Middleton St George , was ‘ satisfactory ’ in Middlesbrough General Hospital , where she is being treated for facial wounds .
3 Patricia was under heavy sedation at her home where she is being comforted by relatives .
4 The family must be prepared to develop contact with the black community in order that the child does not feel that he or she is being cut off from his or her roots , which often creates the condition whereby negative images emerge .
5 Things on the menu must not be available to the child at times other than when he or she is being rewarded .
6 Here are some suggestions that you can follow : try to go where something is being done that you can either watch or participate in .
7 Of course , where the money is no longer legal tender as seen with half crown coins and sixpences in R v Thompson [ 1980 ] QB 229 , or where it is being transferred because of its curiosity value ( Moss v Hancock [ 1899 ] 2 QB 111 ) , or because of its inherent value such as Krugerrands , in these circumstances " money " can be considered to be " goods " for the purposes of the statutory definition .
8 This should be done with sensitivity , however , as it may cause anxiety should the neophyte teacher feel that she or he is being assessed in teaching skills , especially if the member of teaching staff is unfamiliar .
9 Only when children can do this confidently can counting have any meaning , as counting is simply matching objects ( or people , or whatever is being counted ) with numbers .
10 The writer of this essay should have noticed the possibility of an ambiguity or difficulty for the reader in tracing the reference back , and could have solved the problem by replacing the ambiguous word " this " with a phrase which makes clear who or what is being referred to , such as , perhaps " That Sir William should feel this is not surprising since he had been knighted . "
11 The right hon. Gentleman implies that nothing is being done .
12 It means that someone is being kept out of the know , and it 's often been me in the past , and it 's me now .
13 It is important to make a definite decision about this right from the start , without letting her feel in any way that she is being given a weekly or monthly ‘ ration ’ of her family 's free time , as a duty rather than a pleasure .
14 To see that she is being taxed correctly by the Inland Revenue .
15 Such a girl is being asked to behave in many ways like an adult ( mother ) in that she is being asked to carry out the nurturing and supervisory procedures which properly belong to adulthood and , traditionally , to motherhood in particular .
16 I think she would have a very hard time providing leadership , especially now that she is being perceived as more beholden to Washington than to the Filipino people . "
17 Finally , being delegated to do something means that one is being trusted .
18 However , it will say that everything is being done to see that whatever attempts that are made on the whereabouts of its disclosures will be judged by their predicament and a positive answer will be prepared .
19 Charity salves our conscience , allows us to feel that something is being done , that what is being done is sufficient , and that we have played our part in doing it .
20 When a matter of serious public concern arises which leads to a great deal of media interest , someone in central office says , ’ We must show that something is being done . ’
21 If the price of the monetarist experiment has been consistently high levels of unemployment , then someone has to say sorry , to try to explain why all the pain is necessary , and to give the impression that something is being done to help .
22 By imply we mean that something is being suggested indirectly .
23 For most of us , some evidence of increased or decreased neural activity after the onset of some experimental condition seems sufficient evidence that something is being encoded , but as Burns and Lennie have pointed out ( Burns 1968 ; Lennie 1981 ) , the brain has no knowledge of these outside events .
24 The film viewer sees a wide range of technical devices — split-screen , slow motion , fast motion , various kinds of fades — that enable the storyteller to indicate that something happened earlier ( the ‘ flash-back ’ ) or that something will happen in the future , or that something is being dreamt or fantasized .
25 The categories have been increased but the funding has not , so that er although this is in as a growth item and although it is being presented as a standstill item , in fact it may not have been a , a , a , a reduction in the service .
26 He is aggrieved because , although it is being sold at the NBA price of £15.95 , purchasers are also receiving special prints with the book .
27 and although it is being set up to promote a rich peasant economy in order to pave the way for Chinese industrialization , that has not been particularly successful either in terms of the level of output and therefore the levels or in terms of inequalities in that one of the , one of the worrying things that comes through , that comes through , despite the tax system there are still very substantial inequalities and i is the promotion of mutual aid a means , a perceived means of reducing or containing those inequalities ?
28 Having set up a certain attitude and a certain power , you must check , by scanning your flight instruments , that the desired performance is being achieved , and also that it is being maintained .
29 Although doubt has been cast on that finding by the results of the national survey ( see Parker 1982 : 90 ) , McGoldrick and Cooper 's research was conducted after the national survey and it has helped to encourage a view that attitudes towards early retirement are changing significantly and that it is being regarded more and more favourably by older workers ( see for example , House of Commons Select Committee on Social Services 1982 ) .
30 This development is quite new in British higher education ( and there are signs that it is being incorporated in some universities ) .
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