Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It also gave employers legal remedies against industrial action in which no dispute exists between employers and their own employees or which is not wholly or mainly about employment matters .
2 He or she is not nowadays very likely to feature in the book you may write , but the idea lies at the heart of detective fiction and still exercises a subtle influence .
3 The salesperson should open with a smile , a handshake and , in situations where he or she is not well known to the buyer , introduce himself and the company he represents .
4 Some of these families may never be able to accept the blackness of such a child , but , at the same time , they know that he or she is not really white .
5 However , he or she is not legally the owner of any shares and so does not receive dividends , and can not vote .
6 The employee should not need to show that the perception is incorrect nor that he or she is not actually disabled at all .
7 When a child goes to school he or she is not only confronted with the traditional school subjects , but also with codes and practices governing behaviour .
8 The trick here , and in the scores of near-novels that have followed in its wake , is to make the reader , or disciple , imagine that he or she is just as erudite into the bargain : no need to struggle through Dante or The Song of Roland when it is all there in one fat detective story .
9 The beloved is not separate , absent , but present , at the moment of the poet 's writing or speaking , as of the beloved 's hearing or reading the poem — as , indeed , of the reader 's reading , now and always : he or she is always there as we read .
10 Later comes a point of being unable to accept the loss , very often searching for the person who has gone and thinking that he or she is still there .
11 This is not to say that the child or young person is always right ; it is , perhaps , to say that he or she is seldom completely wrong .
12 It is perhaps possible to say that a particular child tends towards introversion and , further , that he or she is therefore more likely to engage with characters such as Tom in Philippa Pearce 's Tom 's midnight garden , Max in Pauline Clarke 's The twelve and the genii , or Tolly in Lucy Boston 's Green Knowe stories , than a more extrovert reader .
13 In as far as there is an average Japanese , he or she is very much a town dweller .
14 The reason for this , I later discovered , is that at yours there is likely to be a selection of friends and relations , one of whom in the course of discussion is bound to say , ‘ Come on , let's give him the best ! ’ and although he or she is very seldom the one who is paying for it , no one likes to appear mean at such a time — an attitude , I might add , of which the undertaker thoroughly approves !
15 A new stillness enters our hearts , where there is no longer any need to express ourselves .
16 As soon as you reach the cross-over age where there is no longer a gain , you can contract back into SERPS .
17 But Papert wants something more , as he wrote in Mindstorm : ‘ I want to know what kind of computer culture can grow in communities where there is not already rich technophilic soil .
18 There are a substantial number of churches , particularly in either rural or inner-city areas , where there is not even one trained musician .
19 Particularly the physical side of the work — where there is n't nearly enough .
20 They , they ca n't er restore it up where there is n't any !
21 Negotiations dragging on where there is apparently little separating the two sides ( quite likely in the case of job evaluation where a five point difference in a grade boundary might represent hundreds of posts ) can lead to accusations of bad faith and a potentially dangerous deterioration in the general climate of industrial relations .
22 In a simple case , where your seller 's solicitor is at a considerable distance , or where there is perhaps already an examined abstract or epitome of the greater part of the title , you may postpone this examination until immediately before completion , in which case strike this item out of your pre-completion agenda and rely on the first item of your completion agenda .
23 The Government talk about competition , but what chance is there for competition in rural areas where there is perhaps only one bus every hour , or every two or three hours ?
24 The second vulnerable industrial sector identified in the study is that also characterised by high non-tariff barriers , but where there is currently very little intra-EC trade .
25 They passed the Strait 's tiny guardian islands , the Evangelistas — where there is now both a lighthouse ant a Chilean signal station — and sailed into an evening that suddenly became magically serene .
26 Or there is really only one group , but sharing a dual identity , with now one dominating their consciousness , now the other .
27 The fact that the public law applicant is usually challenging the exercise of a discretionary power does not mean that what is at stake for him or her is any less important than the sort of interests protected by private law .
28 13 1775 & that Body is vastly improv 'd the longer it is kept & the little remains of fat shine a little more thro' & it is now very much the colour of Indian Copper , i.e. it is very near the colour of finished work 'd mahogany & is really a beautiful mass , the Legs are now perfectly dry and from the Beginning to the end there is nothing of putrefaction .
29 The inclusion of related subjects can thus often help the user with a specific search , particularly where he is not adequately familiar with the subject being sought or the way in which the subject is likely to be handled or packaged in the literature .
30 In the case of Baudrillard , this appears to have been a self-fulfilling prophecy , and he is mainly quoted today within the avant-garde arts , where he is indeed very much in vogue ( Frankovits ed. 1984 ) .
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