Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 7.1 Each of the Parties agrees during the term of this Agreement not to participate in any project which competes with the Project or which is designed to fulfil the same or similar objects .
2 Consider the response of a five-and-a-half-year-old girl in a Yorkshire infant school where she is asked to say how two pictures are different from each other .
3 Among the nominees attending the lunch , as recognition of their achievements , was Montgomeryshire nurse Sue Blower , who had returned specially from her work as a nurse tutor in Bucharest , Romania , where she is helping to set up that country 's first school of nursing for 40 years .
4 She has been seconded to the Civil Service Selection Board , where she is helping to devise the entrance competition for the ‘ fast stream ’ applicants to the Civil Service , Diplomatic Service and Tax Inspectorate .
5 She now attends a drop-in centre which has a crèche and where she is learning to cope with stress .
6 And a wife has no other relationship where she is told to submit in everything as the church submits to Christ .
7 This will not materially affect the buyer unless he or she is seeking to continue with the unauthorised use .
8 For any one such machine , the environment within which he or she is competing includes not only the natural environment in the form of air , light , water and food , but also other survival machines .
9 when he or she is asked to refrain from a particular activity ;
10 Ask yourself ( a ) whether the writer tells you what he or she is trying to do ; ( b ) whether they succeed in doing it ; and ( c ) whether they convince you it was worth doing !
11 He or she is trying to locate areas of tension that may be fixed in your body .
12 He or she is trying to get a very clear picture of what you can do so that they can place you accurately and not send you on too many pointless interviews .
13 The onset of symptoms is very sudden and the outstanding ones are anxiety and restlessness and a terrible fear that he or she is going to die .
14 A keen apiarist , standing among the hives , will soon have to produce a piece of paper and a pencil if he or she is going to explain bee behaviour to a group of children .
15 If you are convinced that he or she is going to hurt you and you ca n't escape , you may even hit out as they come forward .
16 Obviously , the researcher will have some pre-defined ideas of what he or she is going to look at , but usually the experience of working with an organisation or group will suggest new possibilities , new questions to be asked and pursued .
17 Couple this with a quality assessment system which is riddled with jargon and technical description and the caterer has a hard time deciding what he or she is going to buy and from which company .
18 Ideally , the manager should be there at the beginning of a band 's professional career because he or she is going to operate the various deals which are set up .
19 He 's going to tr she , he or she is going to try and go now .
20 The main thing the well-prepared learner brings to the task is positive expectations — expectations that reading will bring rewards of pleasure and understanding , and that he or she is going to learn to read and to enjoy the learning .
21 The relative worth of each of these is dependent upon both the user 's aspirations and the sort of document that he or she is going to produce .
22 Wherever you are grabbed , you can not be stopped using at least some of these weapons , and every time one hits home , the attacker 's pain will increase until he or she is forced to loosen the grip .
23 Unlike most criminal cases involving adults , the charge hinges on the child 's understanding of what he or she is alleged to have done .
24 Can you put your hand on your heart and say that you have made it plain what he or she is allowed to do ( hopefully not unnecessarily restrictive ) and what he or she should not do ?
25 when he or she is expected to adhere to general rules of conduct , what might be called the family 's ‘ standing orders ’ .
26 An important aspect of the teacher 's job is the size of the class he or she is expected to teach ( on average , this is greater than the pupil/teacher ratio , as calculations of the latter include staff who do little or no classroom teaching ) .
27 The martial-law administrator , Crown Prince Saad , says that nobody will be expelled unless he or she is known to have collaborated with the Iraqis .
28 A copy of the winding up order must be sent to the Registrar of Companies immediately , and he or she is required to publish it .
29 he or she is required to give a certain amount of notice .
30 If a police officer reasonably anticipates a breach of the peace , he or she is required to do whatever is thought necessary to prevent its occurrence .
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