Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] was you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Saw one one lad was really really sort of well okay he was n't clever by any stretch of the imagination but he just , was just a you know a sort of no-hoper and he he riled one teacher up very very badly one day cos he did n't do his homework or he was pratting about or he was you know .
2 Which really brought it home , that it was you know .
3 And I said the Leeds have told her I said that it was you know something might come this afternoon .
4 No just that he was you know , just a bit concerned that 's the logo thing and I thought well what does it look like ?
5 But if I was you know you 're not
6 If I was you wearing that and he asked you to do that
7 And she was you wonder where it is , it 's just a little village , she said .
8 It 's funny now , she said it as if she was you know under pressure , and she had to get up , I remember one night as if somebody was very quietly you know putting a blanket over me , that 's honest .
9 ‘ All this time , and there was you thinking . ’
10 I think historically although you know historians can much better than me , erm historically maybe the way that the rock has been worked with a bagging system and it was you know and lots of quarry men had little bits of farm as well around Blaenau especially and you get a feeling er from reading about it that er you know they have a an almost self employed attitude to their to their work and their rock and the fact that er they 'd do it in their own you know wor work the rock in a certain way and this and very sort of proud erm of their work and that and From talking a lot to them and being close to you know it you feel that that that 's still very much the same really you know there is this sort of close relationship and that with their em employers there was you know a lot of you know was n't it was n't straight it as straight as you said a straight employer employee relationship that they was A lot of s sort of er give and take probably and I think they were outraged at this sort of McGregor type tactic really that you know this new machine .
11 Then you got to er the picture house er that happened just before the First World War that was put up as far as I can remember , I know I used to go there and see erm the Broken Coin which was a serial picture and it was you know er where somebody was up to their neck in water one week and it would say that the continuation of this picture would be shown in this theatre one week from today and you .
12 Must of been on one of the other computers and er it went on for ages and it was you know it 's was irritating more than anything !
13 Erm not , they , they did a bit erm if , if it was you know really a medical , if it was really detrimental to the mother to have another one , er then they would .
14 So would every family make a wreath if it was you know somebody c near them , they 'd make their own .
15 You would n't pay the whole of it taxable if it was you know you would claim expenses for one thing and another .
16 have to give guarantees that the tape would not be abused , but I mean that in , in , in actuality you know , if it was you doing the training
17 If it was you see , they 'd be quick enough coming to tell you !
18 But I mean yes certainly if it was y if it was you coming down but I do n't want
19 Yeah it is yes and like she said see cos he was you see
20 Cos it was you said there were two or three different kinds of
21 And what was you going to sleep round there for then ?
22 Well I was very reluctant to put in for this job , I did n't want to really , but I was you know people said , Put in for it , you wo n't get it if you put in .
23 what 's it called ca n't think of the name of the blooming thing now but it was you did a line across , then you learn to do a long stitch
24 I I really know I mean it it 's not that I 'm I 'm no where near like I was before , I know because I was You know reservoir treatment before , but er
25 You know , everybody would , would applaud any sexual activity because it was you know , adding new members to the human race .
26 Because I du n no because it was you know if you get off with someone on a Saturday night yeah ?
27 Erm whether it was you know produced on a plantation ?
28 When she was you know .
29 And I think we need to heighten , sharpen our awareness of erm what I understand by communion and er er , also to er , to remember that the injunction of Paul as he was you know that I have received of the Lord at which I deliver unto you .
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