Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] was [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 From 1976 to 1981 she worked at the Henley Centre for Forecasting , where she was responsible for UK economics forecasts , and manager of special studies .
2 Eighteen months later he moved on into the marketing and sales department , where he was responsible for liaising between Harwell and the EEC .
3 Espey , the division 's president , is best known in the drinks industry for his 17-year sojourn at International Distillers & Vintners , where he was responsible for the launch of Piat d'Or , now the UK 's biggest branded wine , and Malibu , one of the UK 's largest speciality spirits .
4 Horus continually waged war with Seth , the god of darkness and evil , and eventually won the privilege of assisting his father OSIRIS in the Judgement Hall , where he was responsible for weighing the hearts of all arrivals on the Scales of Truth .
5 In 1883 he became consulting engineer and in 1885 a director of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway , where he was responsible for the design and construction of their Horwich ( Bolton ) locomotive works and was chairman of the rolling-stock and locomotive workshop committees .
6 Horne was president of the Royal Society of Edinburgh ( 1915–19 ) and played an active part in many other Scottish scientific societies , where he was renowned for his excellent lectures .
7 Judge Lauterpacht however felt that extension of the Organisation 's powers could only be justified where it was necessary for the performance of its functions and , in this instance , was caused by South Africa 's non-performance of its obligations .
8 A new poll commissioned by the Birth Control Trust showed that 82pc of people in the province thought abortion should be legal where it was necessary for the physical or mental health of the woman .
9 For one thing , although I was ready for the challenge of the theories of life and death in Re:Joyce , it had n't occurred to me how many references there were to fathers , including a beautiful sequence in the sketch ‘ First Flight ’ .
10 The Marshal could not stop her , and , although I was afraid for her , I was excited at the thought of seeing her again .
11 It seemed that I was asleep for just a few minutes when I was awakened by some noisy bastard shouting into the trench .
12 In my own survey of visitors to the British Museum in which teams of five interviewers worked for four separate weeks interviewing at the museum entrances I made sure that I was present for at least the first day of each survey and was available by phone during the rest of the time .
13 So much so that I was ready for a rich joke when my family got home from their various doings that birthday evening .
14 ‘ He is not too happy either that I was ready for him when he cracked the whip .
15 It was nothing that I was responsible for . ’
16 ‘ You can check with whoever you like but I was totally exonerated of any blame at the time , and I resent you and your family 's implications that I was responsible for Eddie 's death !
17 At the time that I was contending for the ordination of women to the priesthood of the Anglican Church , I made use of another argument , drawing out the implications of patristic thought .
18 Although she was grateful for his tenderness , later on , in bed , she was also grateful that it was too early to resume sexual relations .
19 She never did what her mother asked of her although she was good for her father .
20 He 'd lied about Tara , lied about Nicola Schreider … assured her she was n't his type then pursued her with consummate skill until his ego was satisfied that she was ripe for seduction …
21 She spoke sharply , and her niece saw that she was upset for some reason .
22 Afterwards she repented it bitterly , but she was hopeless at apologizing : instead of retracting her feelings , what she always did was to say that she was sorry for expressing them , a kind of amends that costs nothing and carries the built-in rebuke that the other person is unable to bear the truth .
23 Nor did she like his barely hidden insinuation that she was hard-up for a date .
24 Once she was there it would require a tremendous effort of will to get her back to London — except that she could not leave Holly in charge for more than a day ; and except that she was avid for information about the murder inquiry ; and except that there were any number of good stories she wanted to pursue for the column and any amount of private gossip she wanted to hear .
25 And she was n't sure that she was ready for such exposure .
26 And while some parents complain to the head teacher about their children becoming involved with the RUC , at least one headmistress was reported as being committed to the community relations programme , telling parents that she was responsible for their education and that they could move their child if they objected to the way this was done ( FN 10/2/87 , p. 7 ) .
27 They think they 're one and the same , and that she was responsible for the attack .
28 She could n't be expected to hang around with the press and everyone else knowing that she was responsible for last night 's false alarm .
29 In the closing days of that year she could only hope and pray that whoever was responsible for Liza 's unnatural behaviour would have helped to improve it by the next time she saw her .
30 Although it was convenient for the government to appear to be quite separate from Haketa , the relationship was so close that in practice it would be accurate to describe the organisation as an officially sanctioned and sponsored ‘ tame ’ pressure group .
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