Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] was [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Legion wished to be a disciple but Jesus told him to remain where he was in his own district and tell all the people what … the Lord in his mercy has done for you ( Mark 5:19 ) .
2 There was no trace of his usual cheekiness , either because he was seriously worried about his son or simply because he had no need to defend himself up here where he was in his element and they were out of theirs .
3 Also for most of the time at this period in their affair Boy was either slightly drugged , or drunk , or exhausted ; and he was in a permanent state of sexual tension , for either he had just come from O's bed or he was on his way to it .
4 In a rather embarrassed way he told Seddon that I was in his office , and asked for instructions .
5 ‘ … burst upon the scene , and , do you know , he looked so angry that I was more frightened of him than I was of his grisly companion .
6 He jerked his foot off the accelerator and glanced in the mirror , heaving a sigh of relief that nobody was on his tail .
7 He knew — he knew — that she was at his mercy , that she would not , could not , resist .
8 He was showing her that she was under his thumb .
9 And his head swooped , his mouth meeting hers as she moaned , her mouth opening hungrily beneath his , unable to fight now that she was in his arms .
10 He swung her up so she was on his upper arm , patting his face quite hard and pulling at his beard .
11 Once she was inside his trousers , her slim fingers caressed his sleeping organ until it jumped in her hand as if it had been bitten .
12 Within an hour his bed was moved down to the hall , so that everything was under his own eye .
13 Harry Pascoe heard the laughter following this remark and was in little doubt that it was at his own expense .
14 He pulled the drawer right out so that it was on his knee .
15 The authors do not acknowledge the source of Escoffier 's account , but recount that it was during his days as an army chef de cuisine at the siege of Metz in 1870 that he had first grasped the necessity of improving the techniques of canning food .
16 The taxpayer , it said , had not established that it was beyond his powers to obtain the information .
17 In this way the child learnt that it was in his own interest for the experimenter to go to the empty box .
18 Saddam Hussein threatened that it was in his power to sponsor terrorist attacks on the countries ranged against him .
19 On the other hand , on a different occasion she expressed feelings of depression and powerlessness in the face of professional opinion , conceding that she might allow him to go to residential school if it could be shown that it was in his best interests .
20 In his speech er in that debate the honourable member for Edinburgh central and the bench er in his place today , er welcomed the government 's acceptance of Sir Thomas ' and the select committee 's recommendation and agreed er that it was in his words , important that the statutory duty of auditors ought to be clear so that er to use his colourful phrase , if whistles are to be blown they 're to be blown without doubt .
21 I can only assume that it was from his previous experience as chairman of the Greater London council in 1985-86 that he learnt all about ’ getting your friends appointed to the key jobs ’ , and that that is why he assumes that the same is happening in the civil service now .
22 He loves Eliza , despite the fact that it was against his ‘ will , reason and even against his character ’ to do so .
23 The court refused to issue an order of mandamus on the ground that it had not been established that such a blanket directive had been issued and that it was within his rights to deploy his forces as he wished .
24 Aristotle knows of a time in which the constitution of Massalia had been even more oligarchic than it was in his time ( Pol .
25 The meeting was friendly and Albert went off to Brighton where he roundly denounced me and all my works — without revealing that he was without his customary hat which he had forgotten and was hanging safely on a hook in my hall .
26 Thus Tony put in more 1st Division appearances for the Palace between 1969 and 1973 than anyone except John Jackson and Mel Blyth , but many Palace fans thought that he was at his best at left-back .
27 Three early-season defeats away from home had started a buzz that he was on his way , even prepared for a terminal handshake ; under the somewhat defensive provisions of his contract as manager , which might have been designed by the American alimony lawyer Marvin Mitchelson , it would have cost Barcelona more than £1m .
28 Curiously , Palin made a point in the commentary about how he was n't pretending that he was on his own or that there were not gruff acolytes kneeling at his feet as he spoke .
29 It would not be of much help to him , and it would alert any intruder that he was on his way .
30 Either he was dead straight , or else he was the sharpest operator-bar none , including the guy she 'd met on a singles ' holiday who 'd almost managed to convince her that he was on his final fling with only ninety days left to live — that she had ever encountered .
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