Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] just [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 For the second lot , he may have another code which I do n't have or he just knows them by heart .
2 I try rubbing them , but I 'm too tired to do that for long , so I just stick them back in my pockets .
3 There 's a set up that checks a certain amount of areas and then blanks it otherwise you could be sitting there for hours waiting for a new Con activity so you just chew them off bit by bit .
4 Erm so you just stick them together .
5 I remember David started crying but Ralph would not back down and say we deserved the money , or to have some of it , so we just left them at the Brummel Club before doing their thing .
6 that he just received them like , about half an hour before Mike rang up , so he said I 've got to get me secretary to type them out and then we , I 'll send them to you and we 've got to sign 'em , then what happens from there ?
7 But was Picasso fond of the different women he was with or was it that he just liked them physically , and he was able to use them in his work ?
8 Just taking aye , just songs that I liked and I just er take them off tapes and , and records , and I just write them down ,
9 Yes , is n't , those are for my mother 's day bouquets and I just stick them in and they just come out in the vase .
10 erm and I just find them easier to cope with .
11 But I 'm not very well with them and I just think they 're terrible .
12 Erm there are , however , and a number of other valid objections erm if I just mention them very briefly so as to save time .
13 Have you had a copy of , dare I say it , the tabulation which was produced by the panel , which summarized the various er submissions , and if I just read them to you .
14 Cos I just fancy them at the moment .
15 But you liked those erm were they countryman 's or ploughman 's in a packet and you just throw them into the pan and cook it for about fifteen minutes ?
16 Yeah and you just said they were greyhounds .
17 Yeah , well you got to have a , you 've got to have some flowers and you just put them between that and leave them .
18 No they do n't , when they 're , when when they 're on top of all the others and you just turn them over more gently .
19 And you just hammer them the poor old cloth workers they 've got used to me now , they had an awful fit at the time , you ca n't do that .
20 You just lifted them you and you just set them like that .
21 Er , although Shirley , she took over the ro , erm , she took the role half way through of down on the floor splitting things up things over , er , the rest of them were cutting out words and what have you , and writing out the script the way they wanted it , and she just stuck them on the floor , , and they changed the script , so in that respect she was
22 the colours and everything and the order you want them , but the little figures erm , she buys them and she just paints them , and that 's how she could make er the ones for Shirley er for me , erm she gets little soldiers and she can paint them in the camouflage dress
23 cos she just took them off and then and now now she owes me something posh .
24 ‘ I do n't know how anyone , even a child , could drink these oils — they taste terrible if you just get them on your lips . ’
25 Most varieties supplied by garden centres grow a little too large to make ideal houseplants if you just take them in for the winter , but many dwarf and miniature types are ideal for deep sunny windowsills .
26 Er it 's a very low dose , if you just take them every now and again you 'll have no problems with them at all .
27 Even if you just use them as memory joggers , they could prove invaluable if there is ever a quarrel about who actually said what and when .
28 that 's the perfect time and I had this sort of doubt in my mind erm then I was fortunate I learnt a co a very good scripted presentation for getting referred leads and once I started to actually ask , cos that 's all it comes down to , erm then I was getting three , four , in the end I was being quite clever and saying look if you just restrict them to three then I 'll give them the same good service I reckon I 've given you this service
29 When when you when you add them up just if you just put them under each other , it makes it very easy .
30 This will prevent you ‘ losing ’ variations — as will happen if you just copy them into a new Suitcase file .
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