Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] could [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 At that time I believed that the United Kingdom would be facing severe economic problems in the future , and I decided that I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the community , and make a contribution to the resolution of those problems .
2 Anyway the second school favoured scarlet cross-overs , the lady in charge directing me to a local wool shop where I could buy the yarn and a ( hand knitting ) pattern .
3 I waited a minute or so then got up , leaving my almost clean plate , and went through the house to the lounge , where I could see the path leading away through the dunes towards the bridge .
4 Or I could tell the story behind the papers , a chronology in which I described the sequence of experiments as we actually conducted them .
5 I had never been in the lift since moving — either it was out of order or I could smell the putrid stench seeping out into the lobby and avoided it .
6 Nevertheless , such is human weakness and the pull of gluttony that when no one was about , or I could ride the chiding of my family , I would creep into the kitchen , cut a slice of butter and then find a crumb or two to go with it .
7 He sat her down at the table , where she could feel the warmth of the fire after her bath .
8 So while Maria Candida retched and wailed and dabbed at her nose in the cabin , Sara spent most of her time up on deck , either with Dom Alfonso , who was acting as Dom João 's agent , or — on the calmer days — further for 'd , where she could watch the porpoises leaping round the bows and listen to the creak of timber and the wind in the rigging .
9 The underground was still working , and brought her near the church , where she could see the crowd and the candles outside .
10 She made some coffee , and went out on the balcony in her cotton housecoat , where she could see the sun rising from behind the dark hills , and the slopes slowly become bathed with light .
11 Later the mother , having taken a housekeeping job where she could have the child with her , wrote to the father to let her have the child and the £1 per week .
12 So she begged Jack to let her go for a swim , as it was so hot that day , out to the reef , where she could find the weed she needed in fresh , young supply .
13 ‘ Dana should be ready now ; I 'll tell her you 're waiting , ’ she said , wanting only to gain the privacy of her room , where she could release the tears that were threatening .
14 And then they were raked into Well we just er If they were dry they were raked into big swathes , to be near where you could build the tramp coles But if they were n't you would put them into little coles and the and then they were the little coles was put up t t together to make a bigger one .
15 She was a large woman whose hair was dyed platinum blonde except where you could see the mousy-brown bits growing out from the roots .
16 Just ten or fifteen minutes of it now would see him right , a short trip out through the islets and mudbanks where you could let the boat drift , lean over the stern and watch the inner life of the dirty green water , the shreds of seaweed and small branches and other shapes that sometimes proved to be alive , or focus on the surface , a depthless sheet of scum on which the pearly light shimmered in continual shifting patterns , or even look up to see a huge modern building , several storeys high , going for a stroll along a neighbouring island , the superstructure of a freighter putting out to sea along the deep-water channel …
17 Or you could change the design colour so that when the background is red , the design is white ; pale grey background with red design ; white background with black design .
18 Okay that 's a good guess or as you said Kelly you could just use your , your fraction here as and mark it off cos you know that 's a third or you could measure the angle on the fraction and see what it comes to oh yes
19 If you 're seeking the source , do n't open a door that feels warm to the touch , or you could fuel the flames .
20 Do not overtighten the screws or you could crack the mirror .
21 Or you could ask the author to supply one for a modest £7.50 .
22 Or you could select the ancient Jewish route to the synagogues of El Transito and Santa Maria la Blanca , in Toledo .
23 Or you could visualize the farmhouse kitchen towards midday .
24 Or you could try the simple tuck stitch pattern from the photographed card .
25 It would be a good idea to explain the problem to his doctor , or you could phone the psychiatric department of the local teaching hospital for their recommendations of counsellors .
26 Or you could organise the comparison as : GG narrative , GG characterisation ; MND narrative , MND characterisation ; etc. ; comparison between the two texts .
27 A really deep border makes a stunning finish to a little summer dress , a spotless white collar for a dark dress , or you could use the idea for a richly decorated yoke , the edge of a stole or shawl , or it would be lovely all round a simple triangle of plain knitting .
28 Or you could line the walls with bookshelves from waist-level , with cupboards underneath to provide storage and serving space .
29 There would therefore be no chance of a person claiming part of the value of their benefits , knowing that , at a later stage , he or she could have the difference made up from means-tested assistance .
30 She could n't swim , so that left her with only two options : she could stay where she was and wait for whoever was lurking there to reach out of the darkness — but with her nature that was unthinkable — or she could run the gauntlet .
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