Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] said [indef pn] to " in BNC.

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1 John Nutting , prosecuting , said that although he said nothing to detectives after his arrest , with a lock knife in his hand , they later found a chilling message daubed on his police cell wall .
2 ‘ You are quite sure that he said nothing to you which might provide us with a clue to the killer ? ’
3 I was thinking when Daniel was down here that erm Paul you know and all his girlfriends , various girlfriends , for a long time now and I said something to Daniel well you know are you sort of courting yet ?
4 Dana continually hinted that she would take off for London if I refused to do just what she wanted , or if I said anything to you .
5 I mean , if I said anything to you .
6 P. P. I used to go down a street and perhaps a week previously I had locked that fellow up and I used to walk past him and if they said anything to me I 'd say , ‘ Shut up and get inside . ’
7 But nobody said anything to me about that , nor about where Mr Marr 's body had gone after Pikey ran into him with Lethal Weapon II .
8 It occurred to Mrs Hobbs , so she told me later , but she said nothing to me then .
9 There had been a tense week , in which Alexandra came to hear that Dora had wanted the position of head cook at Langley Dene , but she said nothing to Dora , and continued to interest herself in the kitchen just as before , and the matter went away quietly of its own accord .
10 ‘ I 'd rear up on players if they said anything and footballers are n't the bravest people in the world , so they used to think twice before they said anything to me and that helped me . ’
11 Though she said nothing to me .
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