Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] can [verb] its " in BNC.

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1 My medlar will be planted where I can see its pure white blossom in spring and watch its autumn leaves turn crimson .
2 Type your document directly into the window , where you can see its full width all the time .
3 Local authorities can spoil or block what a government is trying to do , or they can steal its credit .
4 It reaches 12″ long and has been bred in captivity — but in outdoor ponds where it can burrow its distinctive hiding place in the bank .
5 The ostrich , on the other hand , will eventually be able to return to the spot it knows so well , where it can resume its parental duties .
6 Letting a wine ‘ breathe ’ is not just part of its mystique — it allows oxygen to enter , which releases flavours and softens harsh edges , so you can appreciate its flavour .
7 Take time to savour a wine 's qualities and make notes , so you can remember its name .
8 Our task is to understand our Ego , so that we can recognise its ranting and raving .
9 The Moon orbits the Earth and is sufficiently close that we can see its disc with the unaided eye .
10 The package can then carry a green spot , to show retailers that they can leave its recycling to the DSD .
11 But I do n't believe that they can predict its effects .
12 The discipline of information science , which attempts to study all the ways in which human beings communicate information with each other and the many facilities which make it easier to perform , is in its earliest formative years , and it will be a long time before we can be sure either that the science of information is a true discipline or that it can deliver its present optimistic promises .
13 The 1992 UN conference on the environment could be the right place for an analytical look at what the world needs to do to ensure that it can feed its vulnerable populations in the next country .
14 These set the minimum amount of capital ( free assets , or the amount by which an insurers ' assets exceed the actuarial calculation of its liabilities ) that an insurer must have to reassure customers and regulators that it can meet its liabilities .
15 The cuckoo can not lay its egg while the future foster-parent is in residence ; it has to pick a time when the parent bird has left the nest — and the eggs — so that it can perform its surreptitious substitution .
16 The shape of the box is determined largely by the shape and size of the printer and the box is placed around the printer so that it can perform its function of reducing the decibel level emanating from the printer .
17 That requires the Bill to be revived tonight so that it can continue its progress .
18 I am sure that West Yorkshire will welcome any assistance that the schemes can give , and will also appreciate that its rate support grant has increased by 16 per cent. , but that does not mean that it can bring its force up to the required standard .
19 To do this , it will have a derived demand for manufacturing equipment , components , steel , lubricants and the like , so that it can satisfy its own customers .
20 Now the important thing about the toxin is not so much that it can paralyse its victim , but that biologists can use it , and they can use it because it 's possible to label the toxin radioactively and then employ this to look at the distribution of receptors in patients with miocenia and characterise the receptors in other ways .
21 Try not to respond the moment it ceases as this suggests to the dog that it can get its own way by behaving in this fashion .
22 When reclaiming such land , it may be necessary to provide the first pioneer crops with a direct injection of nutrients through chemical fertilizers but it should always be remembered that the aim is to build up the life in the soil so that it can provide its own fertility within the land potential .
23 If the prey can themselves move , the predator will have to be able to move faster , or with sufficient stealth that it can catch its prey without a long chase .
24 It means that it can use its paper to finance the bid without using its cash resources or resorting to further borrowing .
25 ‘ It is of great importance that the UK should not appear to turn its back on Europe , so that it can play its full part in negotiations , ’ the peers say in a report rushed out yesterday ahead of the Strasbourg talks .
26 A staff function should be positioned so that it can funnel its services to the organisational levels who may be the public face of the organisation to outside groups .
27 It is not enough to have a new idea ; the discoverer has to know the field within which the new idea is to be applied , so that he can evaluate its significance , and test the worth of the new insight .
28 I have an Amstrad PC2086 with a VGA monitor.The mouse cursor does not appear in VGA mode although the mouse still works if I can guess its position .
29 Healthy Home Cooking is the only series of its kind — and you can savour its unique delights by trying FRESH WAYS WITH VEGETABLES on 10 days FREE home trial at the special low price of just £1.99 ( including p&p ) instead of £15.24 .
30 While its hindquarters are towards you there is no real danger , but if it turns round and you can see its head you can bet that a bid to escape is pending .
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