Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] were [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 1 State exactly where you were at the time ( if in a motor vehicle please give number ) .
2 Agitation by Serbs in Croatia came to a head with the unilateral proclamation on Oct. 1 by the so-called Serbian National Council of an " autonomous region " comprising those districts where they were in the majority .
3 The long hot days of summer are with us again — or they were at the time of writing , and long may they continue .
4 Now would you , I think it must be right that you were at the at five fifteen in the morning conducted by Sergeant .
5 You let me think you had a serious boyfriend , that you were on the point of marriage . ’
6 This place , you called it ‘ The Big Garden ’ remote from the slums ; a waste land , crooked trees , and head-high grass , and easy to think ( Tarzan pictures ) that you were in the jungle .
7 ‘ The story goes , ’ I told him , as we drove up to Llanberis after meeting at Bangor station , ‘ that you were in the Radziel and a woman came in collecting for charity .
8 I introduced your name in the conversation , said I was your Factor , told him that you were in the Lakes for pleasure but also with an eye to acquiring property , etc. , etc .
9 I heard that you were in the West Indies .
10 ‘ You see , ’ he went on as though they had been talking all afternoon , ‘ I had no idea until this morning that you were in the same state as I. ’
11 Particularly if you had just had a row with your wife , and rather suspected that you were in the wrong .
12 It came as a very pleasant surprise to me when I learned that you were in the habit of spending some time in this part of the world .
13 That you were from the police . ’
14 Remember , if you get a mild reaction , you will need to proceed with caution until you can tell whether that food or food group is causing you to feel less well or less able to lose weight than you were at the end of Stage I.
15 Except Tim 's a bit older than you were at the time .
16 So you were in the sick bay , and naturally Hilary came to see you .
17 True , there were few creature comforts behind the wheel and few concessions from the car itself once you were on the move .
18 We had to extend the length , as it was far too short , and it had meant rolling the car forward every time once you were in the pit — not ideal or safe , as it left no escape route .
19 Once you were in the chair the tooth was as good as out , because Luigi had no intention of missing a chance to exercise his skill .
20 Probably supported you for a bit once you were in the water . ’
21 ‘ Coming in as an outsider probably helped as a bit of a catalyst but really it was the fact that we were at the bottom of the underwriting cycle and everyone was looking to improve results and build up market share . ’
22 Well David said that we were at the end , everyone believed that they were that the time has come that we was at the end of the world .
23 However , the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) asserted that we were at the bottom of the league .
24 But it was still comforting to have with us little Liena , our 19-year-old interpreter who was a very competent rock climber and all-round mountaineer , for she had climbed Elbrus in the past and could give assurance that we were on the right course .
25 Number One , would you tell McKenzie to warn the four seamen who were with us tonight that they are on no account to mention the fact that we were on the Delos .
26 We eventually got the repairs done free of charge , despite the fact that we were on the verge of receiving a repair bill totalling £100 .
27 He slipped something in my wine and the next thing I knew was that we were on the Continent .
28 They got the feeling that we were on the ropes and I , I mean if
29 We have thought that we were on the brink of the final synthesis at least twice before .
30 This time last year , most of us believed that we were on the threshold of a new era of peace and co-operation in international affairs .
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