Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] seem [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Other work in progress has examined this issue in one district where it seems that the other community services are so much less well organized than the special service that managers have found it impossible to prevent that service being undermined by lack of staff , continuity , training , and good practice leadership .
2 Although it seems that the South is recovering its appetite for fresh fish , with restaurants buying about 30 per cent of the fish sold in the area , there is no doubt that there has been a positive nosedive in the demand for fresh fish in Britain as whole .
3 Although it seems that the luminosity of the centre can be provided by the central star cluster , there remain compelling reasons for searching for a possibly dormant massive black hole .
4 He had been too rushed and busy in Rome to enjoy his stay there , although it seems that the American writer , Frederic Prokosch , persuaded him to go on a pilgrimage one afternoon to find the legendary " Golden Bough " on the shores of Lake Nemi ; what they found was an old and dilapidated oak .
5 Like Caton , Berger attempted to record electrical responses to sensory stimuli in animals , although it seems that the work he did between 1902 and 1910 was , in general , unsuccessful .
6 Children could leave school entirely at thirteen on possession of the ‘ labour certificate ’ , which required either a minimum attendance record or the passing of Standard VII , although it seems that the certificate was rarely if ever refused and 10 per cent of 10–15-year-old girls were fully employed as late as 1911 .
7 It seems to me from what Mr in particular said , that the bottom as it were has dropped out of the market to this extent that it seems that the policy that he 's advocating , is not thirty one thousand any more , but thirty one thousand plus any amount of windfalls and recycling .
8 As the storm had increased in strength , so it seemed that the enthusiasm of the pressmen on the ‘ public 's right to know ’ , coupled with the fact that the pubs were still open in town , had served to weaken their resolve somewhat .
9 But as she thought of her Moondream mask , so it seemed that the elms were creeping in to crush no one but her .
10 It has also been observed that moderate alcohol drinkers ( two glasses of wine , beer or whisky a day ) have higher levels of HDLs in their blood ; so it seems that a small tipple each day may actually be good for you .
11 By early 1983 my lymph glands were enlarged as a result of HIV , so it seems that the probable date of infection was October 1982 .
12 Again , however , once it seemed that the EDC had the support of the Six , Britain was willing to accept it and work with it .
13 The SAVE office was flooded with inquiries and orders , and it seemed that every village post office wanted to stock it .
14 The old Theatre Royal in Dunlop Street soon followed , and it seemed that a new age had been ushered in as the gas light glinted on the crystal chandeliers and the illuminati of Glasgow clustered like moths about a bundle of bunsen-burners .
15 Just as Frederick was gaining increasing power in Italy , and it seemed that the Holy See would become isolated from general support , Lucius died in November of 1185 and the new Pope Urban III , was one of Barbarossa 's fiercest opponents .
16 Knee and hip joints were creaking and it seemed that the prophecy made by doctors forty years before , that one day my legs and hips — the war left me with a short , stiff left leg — would really begin to seize up , was about to come true .
17 Suddenly , sleazy accounts of the murders appeared in book form , Manson 's image was plastered on the covers of such respected magazines as Life and Rolling Stone , Manson T-shirts , bumper stickers and recordings of his songs were available everywhere , and it seemed that the bizarre element of the Family 's life and crimes had captured the imagination of both freaks and straight society .
18 They were turned down by the Minister of Traffic and Waterways , Mrs Maij-Weggen , and it seemed that the idea , which was abandoned .
19 Within days I had changed my mind and it seemed that the only sensible form of transport would be a Sherman tank .
20 A warm welcome awaits anyone who wishes to visit Latvia and it seems that a number of aircraft will now be dusted off and returned to flight .
21 A court may make a s37 direction whenever a question arises as to the welfare of a child and it seems that a care or supervision order may be appropriate .
22 The local queen falls in love with him , and it seems that the journey to Italy might be called off .
23 Only the alpha female breeds and it seems that the monogamous reproductive male suppresses sexual interactions between siblings .
24 There was some opposition in the Committee but it was not pressed to division , and it seems that the restrictions were reluctantly accepted as part of a package deal to get agreement on the report as a whole .
25 And it seems that the money , in so far as it emerges in budgets that clearly , is determined by crude political muscle and nothing to do with reason and analysis — all the things that you stood for in the sixties and seventies .
26 Angles , Saxons and Jutes gradually colonised parts of Britain and it seems that the Saxons , at least in East Anglia , Kent and Hampshire , helped to maintain the general improvement of British cattle which had been initiated by the Romans .
27 Not many children try solvents before the age of 11 , and it seems that the peak age for experimenting is around 13 or 14 years .
28 The war continued but the German states were still neutral , and it seems that the travellers had illusions that Liberty , suppressed in England by Tories and in France by Jacobins , still lingered farther north .
29 They were originally intending to work in Zaire , but the situation is still somewhat unstable and it seems that the time is not quite right for them to go there .
30 Negotiations have been going on since October 1990 and it seems that the Treasury was querying its £4 million valuation .
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