Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] put [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 we can not accept that there can be a breach of the peace unless there has been an act done or threatened to be done which either actually harms a person , or in his presence his property , or is likely to cause such harm , or which puts someone in fear of such harm being done .
2 ‘ even in these days when affrays , riotous behaviour and other disturbances happen ill too frequently , we can not accept that there can be a breach of the peace unless there has been an act done or threatened to be done which either actually harms a person , or in his presence his property , or is likely to cause such harm , or which puts someone in fear of such harm being done . ’
3 We talk later in this chapter about the use of other people 's words , making the point that one problem with other people 's words is that they usually make more sense where they come from than where you put them in your essay .
4 In addition , retinoic acid is insoluble in water and so would remain where we put it in the limb for some time ; this was important because we already knew that to exert its effect the grafted polarizing region needed more than 12 hours .
5 He took me in his arms and carried me downstairs to the library , where he put me in front of the fire , and gave me a glass of wine .
6 It is important that I put myself in a position to be able to give you the best possible advice .
7 So you put , you , that ones alright so you put it in there .
8 And our our the baby she sleeps in bed with us , you know cos we 're frightened in case owt gets bunged through the window , you know it might hit her , so we put her in bed with us .
9 she said no , Jean said oh I ca n't walk that , have a bloody heart attack she says , so they put her in a trolley
10 And then she checked Well anyway the week after he 'd phoned there was no what you call in it so he wrote it in to the damn thing and said why is it when some people puts adverts in they not only put it in once they put it in three or four times the same week
11 Another greatly pleasurable result of the broadcast was that it put me in touch with colleagues of his , and their wives , in the lighthouse business , several of whom wrote me the kindest letters expressing the most heart-warming comments .
12 So how would we find an outside correspondence for jealousy , a way of writing about it that would make it real for the reader , so real that it puts him/her in touch with his/her own jealousy ?
13 Lovelock sees this dual function as a vital bridge , but others argue that it puts him in an invidious and altogether too powerful position .
14 So Rob 's instruction was that he put them in those files and I did n't think it was a particularly good idea because everything 's easier to find if it 's in the envelopes that we 've put them in .
15 Fortunately , one of her friends had done a first aid course so he put her in the recovery position and cleared her airways , then gave her the kiss of life .
16 There were eggs from the chickens and I put them in boxes .
17 And I put them in back of her hood cos she could n't hold my hand .
18 Look Charlotte ca n't do anything without being messy , look , the other , the other erm morning I went to school to pick Ben up , er and I put her in the car seat , she 's lovely and clean , and I give her a biscuit , by the time we got
19 On one occasion , the wife gave me a tin of beans , small kettle , and I put it in the cauldron .
20 He held out the dice and I put it in the shaker .
21 But the brain and questions of its function , and the part ‘ memory ’ ( and I put it in quotes ) or rather , a consideration of memory , can play in furthering our understanding of this function , belongs of course to everyone as a human being , from the stupidest person who can not read or write to the top people in biochemical research .
22 Well I marked that certain tank and I put it in in a sealed envelope to the police station and I said I do n't know which tank they said whoever 's emptied it has done , but I said , If it happens to be that tank then they are lying .
23 and I 've put it and I 've cooked it and I put it in freezer
24 I know , I went , I got some whelks once and that was in Bay , they were lovely whelks and I put 'em in a bucket and er did n't think and now I used to put some flour in with 'em .
25 Roughly , those over thirty-five , and I put him in that group , reacted with a mixture of impatience , embarrassment , and guilt .
26 He went out in the rain and I put 'im in the oven to dry ! ’
27 Otherwise it 's a slip switch so if you put it in , if I put it in my bag and it switches on and someone else so the the batteries will waste .
28 ‘ Like if someone put something in the food , eh ? , sooner or later everyone will be ill . ’
29 But if someb if somebody put them in plain language to me ,
30 and you put them in the oven do you ?
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