Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] first came [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was when I got back to my new room there that I first came across my new neighbours , Jane and Mark Walsh , and their two children , Sonja and Darren .
2 It was during my first year at university that I first came across it in a book by James Tyler Kent in a public library .
3 It was at one of their conferences that I first came across organized lesbians and gays .
4 By 1917 , the year that he first came into contact with Sartre , the very year that Lenin was establishing a new revolutionary Soviet state , three years before the birth of the French communist party , this future activist of the French Left was in the throes of a major personal crisis brought about by the demise of his father .
5 It was at this time that he first came across some Nonconformist pastors from Shrewsbury and was deeply impressed and helped by the ‘ fervent prayers , godly conversation and holiness ’ of their lives .
6 The song ‘ You are my Heart 's Delight ’ from Lehár 's operetta The Land of Smiles ( 1929 ) was one of his most famous , and it was in this work that he first came to England in 1931 .
7 The Cathedral Hotel , next door , was also at one time in the hands of the Wilkes family and it first came to my notice when an extra floor was added in 1922/23 .
8 ‘ Liverpool have exploited that but it first came to me many years ago in a charity match at Newcastle .
9 But surely it it 's happened that it 's getting er and and I touch wood I do n't know how superstitious you are but it 's getting better and better and better for you each time because when you came here ooh some years ago since you first came into this studio er you were pretty popular then but it seems to increase all the time does n't it ?
10 The tide of affection in which the public had held Diana since she first came to their notice had begun to turn .
11 ‘ My dear , since we first came to this terrible place you are the only person to show me true consideration . ’
12 It is best reached by continuing along the road , now unenclosed , until near Leck Fell House when a steep scramble up the hillside ends in the company of the three massive cairns that will have plagued the curiosity since they first came in sight earlier .
13 He is on nine , which is n't bad at all , and his goal ratio since he first came into the side has been excellent .
14 The leadership change was widely seen as an attempt to rejuvenate the party , whose fortunes had been at their lowest since it first came to power in 1981 .
15 She was telling a story about buying it in Sunningdale before she first came to France , because there was a rumour that one could not buy decent tea the other side of the English Channel .
16 On 2 February ACAS published a draft report and finally in March 1977 , six months after they first came on the scene , they published the full report on Grunwick recommending recognition of APEX .
17 When I first came across Ritwik Ghatak 's films about ten years ago , I was puzzled .
18 When I first came across him in 1982 he was playing for Exeter University in a sevens game at Twickenham .
19 When I first came across this text my mind went to the Athanasian Creed which describes the Godhead as uncreated , infinite , eternal and incomprehensible .
20 When I first came across Szasz 's dictum , ‘ Mental illness is a self-enhancing deception , self-promoting strategy ’ , I considered it to be a harsh judgement on a suffering fellow-creature .
21 When I first came across it , I applauded the honest rigour with which Auden the critic revised Auden the poet .
22 When I first came to Tioman 10 years ago , the hotel was an intimate place of 70 rooms .
23 WHEN I FIRST came to New Zealand in May 1991 , I was unaware of the profound effect the country would have upon me .
24 When I first came to Shieldaig , I walked the twelve miles from Lochcarron in the south , on the only road giving access to the village , a road badly rutted and offering no invitation to wheels and , indeed , no vehicles passed me .
25 When I first came to the Commission , cases like these caused more anxiety and provoked more anger and complaint than any others we dealt with .
26 When I first came to the group , I was very much in the Tarzan role .
27 When I first came to this room , I did n't like it , then I thought , ‘ Well at least it 's mine .
28 Twenty one ye Nineteen twenty one when I first came to .
29 When I first came to Slumptown which is twenty-one years ago , this street was one of the quietest streets in Slumptown .
30 When I first came to England with your father , I was shocked at the women 's laziness here .
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