Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] could [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 His handwriting was so bad that Mr Sunderland had pinned his composition to the notice-board in the hall so everyone could see he was the worst writer in the whole school .
2 Mazzin did n't lose his temper , although I could feel he was itching to have a go at me , but , as before , he knew he had no justification for doing so .
3 Although she could see he wore pyjamas , he had on his head as usual his old straw hat with its black band .
4 But Eubank had only harsh words for Piper saying : ‘ The only thing that impressed me about him was that you could see he was thinking about what he was doing .
5 He was a good local caddie but Mr Palmer made him nervous , and I could tell he 'd sooner be with Gary player and a quiet life .
6 He came at me again and I could tell he was gonig to make another stab at a heavy masculine embrace .
7 He was clutching his attaché case as usual and I could see he was strolling slowly along the path that runs the outer perimeter of the lawn , deeply absorbed in thought .
8 Father hated to be disturbed when he had anybody with him and I could see he was annoyed so I made myself scarce ; I mean I did n't stay to say what I wanted . ’
9 He was dressed in cloth of gold from head to toe , a simple crown on his head , and I could see he was as bored as I by Dacourt 's vapid pleasantries .
10 it was too late came Saturday night he was on morphine tablets , I stayed with him all day Sunday , and I could see he was dying then , I stayed with him all night , all day , and then , gone Saturday night
11 The ball come across and er I see Bedford had his back to the goal , and I could see he was going to swivel and hit it with his left foot , and I 've just come across the goal and er , he just hit it down low to my right hand side and luckily I 've come the right way and pushed it wide .
12 But he 's done us proud and you could say he 's an improving nine-year-old and there are n't many of those about .
13 The boy got up and you could see he was still nervous .
14 He looked tired and a little drawn , and she could swear he had lost weight , too .
15 He rubbed his fingers through his hair and she could tell he was anxious .
16 ‘ She was dead to me , ’ he had said and she could see he meant it .
17 Juices were seeping from her hot crack to soak into her knickers , and she could see he had the most enormous jack-on .
18 The Muzak reached a gap as she was about to knock on the door and she could hear he was being told by the hotel that his credit was n't good .
19 He looked at me apathetically through a mist of weakness and pain and one could see he 'd been in that water a lot too long .
20 And anyone could see he was as simple as a child , just by the look of him . ’
21 Richard laughed but I could tell he was alarmed .
22 But I could see he looked sad as he added , ‘ I think it 'll be fer the best fer all of us . ’
23 But I could see he was perfectly serious .
24 He grimaced , but I could see he was not unpleased , though he tried to hide it by marching me off to give his vegetables their evening watering .
25 The hammer lock kept my head down , but I could see he was carrying a bottle of whisky by the neck .
26 The visitor was wearing a suit , but you could tell he was n't in the City as it was single-breasted .
27 He leaned on her , not wholly unconscious , but she could tell he did n't know what was happening to him .
28 But she could tell he was doing it for effect , he was still himself .
29 But she could see he did n't believe her , and she turned her head away in deliberate rejection , refusing to sink to pleading for his belief .
30 I told Michael what he wanted to hear , pretty much , without actually promising anything , because I could tell he was going to make it easy for me He was falling asleep on my shoulder When he did , I slipped out from under him , picked up his sexy uniform , which did n't seem quite so sexy any more , and took his glider key off the chain Then I got dressed quick , holding the key in my teeth , and then I went over to the kite , but I must have made a noise ; because Michael woke up I looked back and saw him putting both feet in one leg of his trousers , calling my name , trying to back out of it
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