Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] know [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She would take Josh and Kathy , go to cosy , comfortable London , where she knew so many people , and there she would sort out her life .
2 But mastering any chemical theory first without practical experience can leave the student in a state where he or she knows so much about the sodium atom that he can no longer appreciate the silvery metal that behaves so spectacularly on the bench .
3 I have cast this account in the past tense in order to relate it to the developments of the late 1960s , although I know that much of this shape and many of these assumptions have survived .
4 This was obviously not a state of affairs which could continue indefinitely and , although I knew as much at the time , I could n't will myself into sleep .
5 ‘ I see that I know very little .
6 ‘ You introduced me to Paris and it will be my turn to introduce you to England — not that I know very much about London .
7 But if you know the difference between guitar sounds that you hear on the radio , for instance , then I would maintain that you know too much .
8 No men in her life , really , not even her natural father , because he 'd gone away , emigrated , so she knew very little about men .
9 Warfare provides one , although we know very little of the period .
10 This is one respect in which we can see regional differences opening up in the kind of support which relatives can give to each other , although we know very little about how these matters are handled in families at the present time .
11 Although we know very little about the tenurial and ownership patterns of these sites , it is likely that some of the inhabitants actually owned land outside the settlement and grew their own crops .
12 But one thing is clear : although we know so little about it , this was a major crisis .
13 That er lived in this house and they were the the real grass roots of the old Labour Party , the real socialists , not like the ones that we know today that only pay lip service to it .
14 Moreover , the fact that we know so much about Mozart 's early years is due entirely to Leopold 's desire to record the events in his son 's life .
15 These two men went directly to the site to place on record the facts of the find and it is from them that we know so much of Hailing Man .
16 ‘ What 's not fair , ’ Cranston interrupted , ‘ is that we know so little about last night .
17 ‘ Well , if Satan is the opposite of God it seems to me that we know very much less about him , and yet , his works are rather more evident , do n't you think ? ’
18 Many of Stenhouse 's objections arise out of other people 's oversimplifications , and it is of course true that we know very little of what actually goes on as a result of our work with students .
19 Thus it is that we know as much as we do about the Orynthia and her voyages in the late 1830s .
20 It 's a business that is increasingly professional in its approach , because we are also in a business where we have to convince our clients that we know as much about what we do in our companies as they know about theirs .
21 When I read that junior Ministers are interfering with the curriculum , I get worried , because I do not think that they know very much about it .
22 I viewed A&R men the same way and when I met them I realised that they knew even less than I thought they knew .
23 ‘ I could phone him with a problem and he had such insight that he could steer me through it , although he knew very little of the problems over here . ’
24 Rick felt that he knew very little about practical mathematics apart from ‘ making a scale drawing of the minibus and taking kids out to measure the rugby pitch ’ and even less about investigations and problem-solving .
25 And what you are telling me is that he knew very well Aldhelm was to come here that night .
26 And I know so many songs that it would be fun to go out there and say , ‘ Hey , man , do you remember this one ? ’ or , ‘ Here 's one you have n't heard in a long time . ' ’
27 And I know only one way you do that .
28 I knew , of course , that one or other of the suore kept a constant eye on how we behaved , and I knew too that had they noticed anything ‘ unusual ’ I would have been given a severe talking-to and told not to come back .
29 There he was , trying to blackmail me to leave the company or face a false charge of fraud , and I knew so much about his underhand behaviour .
30 But it had all happened so quickly — and I knew so little about you — except that I 'd fallen in love with you . ’
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