Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] know [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 My son fishes at the fish farm where I know there is a responsible adult who he can ask for help if needed .
2 My son fishes quite often at the fish farm where I know there is a responsible adult who he can ask for help if needed .
3 So , but where I know it is a bit difficult with clothes because a market stall erm you do n't , you do n't normally get a chance to try the clothes on erm and you 're never absolutely sure are these clothes , is this garment going to fit or not ?
4 For he 'd known she would n't go , that he was perfectly safe , that she was not the type to impose herself where she knew she was n't wanted .
5 So , shop where you know there is high turnover of produce .
6 Rent a nice little flat somewhere where you know exactly what your outgoings are — where you know you 're not responsible for anything .
7 Or you know you 're in a meeting and the chairman what 's your opinion John on this where you what do you think about this ?
8 No well it was n't the scheme he worked on , he would go round and sort your cooker or you know he was that , maintenance , the maintenance side .
9 You can do it with a turn the carnation pink or you know it 's white , that sort of thing .
10 and it 's a lot better I know I 've seen road somewhere or you know it 's a lot easier
11 You know they must be you know and a certain amount of guilt maybe that they that they did n't support the miners or you know it was something that was happening far away and maybe y like I said you gave the odd tin of beans you know but er
12 It was all about money or you know there was n't a great deal of political activity or , or great deal of political work done in , in the Labour Party .
13 Yeah it does , you see if Ken and Freda or anybody knew they were being televised they 'd be careful of what they said
14 It 's important to him that everyone knows he is the champion , that he is better than anyone else and not necessarily looking for easy pay days .
15 ‘ What we need to do is set up a regular lunch date so everyone knows what 's happening .
16 Its very 'cause I know it is when I was there oh I will be able to see it once or twice more in my life and that 's it
17 I do n't want to sound as if I have n't got sympathy with people 'cause I know it 's bloody hard , but I know a lot of blacks who use it [ blackness ] as an excuse and we 've got to be careful that we do n't use it like that .
18 Although I know there are those who work for different ends from most of us in this House , yet there are many in all ranks and all parties who will re-echo my prayer : ‘ Give peace in our time , O Lord . ’
19 I have done the route a dozen or more times since that distant autumn , and although I know it is ‘ easy ’ I have never set off across that huge ceiling without a feeling of apprehension .
20 Although I know it 's a problem in the eyes of the public and the Health Service , I try not to think of it as a problem personally , y'know what I mean .
21 I remember when I married him but I do n't remember when I met him , although I know it was just ten days between the two occasions .
22 And now I must pack up and take the road ; you 'll be keeping me company on a long night march , although I know you 're asleep in our nice warm bed …
23 This will have an application ultimately , perhaps , to treatment of anaemia in people , although I know you 're working large on bacteria ?
24 They say , ‘ Thank you for playing the hymn , you did n't mention my name so although I know you were n't playing it just for me , I felt as if you were ’ .
25 Although I knew it was badly sprained I did not feel it was broken .
26 Although I knew it was n't my fault , I always felt frustrated because I could n't do anything to help .
27 I answered , although I knew it was n't .
28 That was my excuse to myself , although I knew it was wrong of me to leave only two unwounded men to guard the stockade .
29 Joseph told me to fetch the doctor , so I ran to the village , although I knew it was too late .
30 I always stopped to look at it , although I knew it was much too expensive .
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