Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] see that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If we now look at the ego , as opposed to the id , then immediately we see that it is , it is emphatically not true to claim that Freud was a Hobbesian social thinker .
2 It was only by craning his neck to a painful degree that he saw that he was suspended in mid-air , a foot or so above the sea .
3 And I saw that they were the feet of a fish-scaled claw-toed monster …
4 They seemed to be watching me , and then one of them waved , and I saw that they were Megan Lloyd and Ann Tracy .
5 Holmes ' warm words of thanks made me feel much happier , and I saw that he was right .
6 And I saw that she was in expert hands .
7 Her back was to me and I saw that she had her fingers crossed behind her back as she spoke .
8 She showed no inclination to argue further , but lay back in her chair , smiling at Robert , and I saw that it was not , as I had believed , understanding and acceptance that her smile revealed , not that their marriage was so secure it could sustain itself in the face of any disagreement , but that Lili could afford to be pleasant because she had no scruples .
9 This was a very old set and did not always work ; as I did not make contact with the control tower I came round and I saw that it was all clear for me to land , so I put my wheels down and made my approach .
10 They have sons , no doubt , but most of them will be in the Volunteers already , and I see that they too are exempt .
11 I mean , I 'd like to do the things that , my hobbies , but I go out there because I care and I see that I feel that it 's necessary to , to actually stop these people tormenting an animal for fun and if I 'm that concerned about animals , I 'm not gon na stoop to hurt a horse , or or the hounds !
12 Before I left , I expressed the hope that he could pay another visit to Oxford , though this time a purely private one , and I see that I wrote to him repeating this towards the end of term — the final term — because on 17 June he replied to my home address :
13 He goes a dirty red colour and wriggles about as much as he can considering his condition , and I wonder if he 's shy , but then he explodes and I see that it 's anger , not modesty .
14 Higher and higher the shaking hand pushed the skirts until I saw that she was wearing a pair of white calico drawers , and remembering the black lace French knickers with their little rosebud trimmings , I understood .
15 Susan did not know how she felt about this until she saw that he had painted himself and herself half-way up or half-way down , looking up or down at their reflections in the water .
16 There are other signs that might lead you to believe that there 's things not as they might be , the legs may not be equal length particularly if only one is dislocated and that 's fairly obvious is n't it because the , the , the ball joint 's not in the socket and there 's a bigger gap so the leg hangs down longer and you 've all changed a baby have n't you and you see that they 've got little creases in the insides of their legs and across their buttocks , and those creases may not be a mirror matching they are normally , so those are clues .
17 Their skimpy costumes were decorated with two huge ostrich plumes , attached to their heads , and to their backsides : and she saw that they were harnessed to look like two ponies .
18 Richard 's Johnson , obedient to the pressed button , came to life at once , and she saw that it had never occurred to him that it might n't .
19 He looked at her , defeated , and she saw that she had carried the point , but at a heavy cost .
20 But not only did she see herself , small , sitting there ; she also saw through herself ( because the telescope , with its hollow inside , was her ) and she saw that she was hollow .
21 Under his arm he carried a large portfolio of drawings and she saw that he had pencils sticking out from his pocket .
22 It fell away and she saw that he was already excited .
23 He looked at her sideways and she saw that he was laughing .
24 He began walking towards it and she saw that he had one hand inside his jacket , as if reaching for something .
25 Aunt Emily and Michael Swinton spoke to her together and then laughed and she saw that he looked quite different , much younger , that his hair and beard had been trimmed , that his expression was full of vitality .
26 Her eyes opened and she saw that he had tugged a long strand of hair free and was playing it between his fingers .
27 If you see that they cease rolling and then begin rolling again some yards away in a different direction , then the area between the change is the turning point .
28 so we want to do is look at that one and we see that it 's keeping on track and er it 's doing the things that we actually want to do
29 The weeper lifted his head , and they saw that it was Yanek .
30 ‘ If the inhabitants are like us , they will respect us only if they see that we are strong . ’
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