Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] would [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 But it bothered her , because Naylor You'll-do-as-I-say Massingham had as good as just told her that either she shut up and went along with everything he said , even to the extent of pretending to be engaged to him , or he would dismiss her !
2 It would hurt to do it , to be without him , but she would have to if this went on too long , or he would destroy her emotionally , because she would have nothing left when he did finally tire of her .
3 I handed over my life 's savings and promised that I would give her the other nineteen and six before the year was up .
4 I phoned the kennel owner to inform her that British Rail insisted the dog wear a muzzle and that I would pay her back if she 'd buy one .
5 I knew that I would take her back eventually , but I wanted to torment her with indifference .
6 I had promised him that I would look her up , convey his admiring regards , and perhaps even bring him back a signed photograph of Miss Dragonette .
7 It may surprise readers but , since I wrote about her recently , Barbara and I have become good friends , so I rang her up to tell her that I would join her for a good gloat .
8 That I was n't in love with Nicola — which was true — and that I 'd give her up . ’
9 I had n't been thinking about her that much , just a few times a day , and seldom imagined that I 'd glimpse her here or there on the street , on a bus , in the Superette , in the hospital , on a passing aeroplane five miles high .
10 Anyway , Mrs Aggie had been very sorry she had struck her and she had taken her into the town and bought her a real new bonnet , although she would allow her to wear it only on a Sunday .
11 And he besought his mother that she would love her even as she loved him himself , and that she would do good to her and show her great honour , for which he should ever serve her with the better good will .
12 Betty thanked her for the bucket and smiled at her , and Lydia , who , if Betty went on like this , might turn out to be quite human , decided that she would take her her breakfast in bed in the morning : thin crispy toast with a scraping of butter and golden clear jasmine tea , and an egg-cupful of harebells to remind her of the sky .
13 Hoping against hope that she had not ducked out back to her own flat — not that she 'd blame her ! — Leith skirted the room until her eyes were drawn to a settee that had been pushed back to the side of the room .
14 ‘ Of course , you did promise Anna that you would take her to Sherwood Forest the next time she and Sam came over on business , ’ he reminded Merrill tauntingly .
15 She was to find out that something would startle her like this and then quieten down to an apparent normality , only to find that she had really been shaken up into accepting an entirely unnatural situation and adapting it to the flow of her life .
16 The Grimaud family had written to say that they would meet her with a blue Corvette .
17 Who could hate her so much that they would send her something like that ?
18 When her father formed the view that the car he and her mother had bought her for her eighteenth birthday was more roadworthy than Cara 's outwardly smart but inwardly not so clever vehicle , it was decided that they would use her regularly serviced Volkswagen Polo for the trip .
19 He knew that it would make her feel inferior and stupid and insignificant beside the sultry Domino and her no doubt dazzling sexual experience !
20 She had assumed all along that the only reason her father could possibly have for even considering selling the club was concern that she , Rory , could n't cope with running it , that it would prove too much of a burden for her — that it would hold her back from her own career .
21 Bina who never dreamed — Bina whose moods they all dismissed as ‘ adolescence ’ — Bina who they 'd trained not to let on what she really felt , who did n't even know what she did feel — that same Bina had a dream each night , and she wrote down every single word of it so that it would tell her how to be different , be real , really be .
22 In fact , if she were there for two months , it would be unlikely that it would regard her as a resident .
23 I would never again speak of sin , certainly not to Lili , for one of the messages I had gathered from her speech was that it would bore her .
24 Smiling a little ruefully at her own foolishness , she walked down the lane , guessing rightly that it would take her to the back of the cottage .
25 Not that it would trouble her overmuch with guilt .
26 On the one hand she thought she would possibly enjoy a hour 's gardening when she came home from work and that it would help her unwind , but on the other hand her adult children and her husband would expect tea at 6 p.m .
27 He was sorry that he had brought up the subject and hastily departed for his shower , shouting that he would tell her while he was dressing .
28 She might feel compelled to attack him physically at any moment and he was alarming enough to convince her that he would lift her in the air , shake her like a rag doll and toss her over a crag .
29 She did n't really want him , of course but she simply had to prove to herself that he would prefer her to Sally , given the choice .
30 Fred 's voice was sharp with suspicion , and Fran knew that he would give her no peace unless she explained .
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