Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] say in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I looked it up in my handbook of psychiatry and the nearest I could get was ‘ spendthrift behaviour ’ , an expression of hypomania , a serious problem requiring urgent treatment — usually , so it says in my handbook , in a hospital setting , which seems a little extreme — but there you are .
2 They stood hunched against the rain and he said in his laconic way , ‘ How 's Eileen 's boy ? ’
3 But I think that it is even more of a pity , as I said in my article , that none of the four Documenta organisers brought the above problem of Claudio Parmiggiani 's work to Joseph Kosuth 's attention .
4 It is simply a case as I said in my summary that er er C One is a policy that is applicable , because it 's a conservation area .
5 ‘ It was a phone call , as I said in my — ’
6 Very pleased to have yours and as I said in my last it 's your money , God has been very kind to you and you must n't fly up in the face of his kindness and I wish you had not taken this step , your Uncle Steve says property 's more trouble than it 's worth .
7 ‘ However , as I said in my letter , I look forward to constructive negotiations with employee representatives about the introduction of a new and single status structure and about pay settlements for the remainder of the year . ’
8 That more exact calculation has , I think , met with general approval and as I said in my statement about our proposal for council tax benefit in a written answer on 28 November , we intend to maintain that closer alignment in the wake of the changes in local taxation that are intended to take effect in April 1993 .
9 And in fact if if if if er we look along this line , at the moment we as I said in my introduction we have two districts or three districts who have expressed support for the principal , and of those of those one has given a clear indication that it would , this might be too , er high a phrase , welcome a new settlement , within its district .
10 The whole point of this thing is that , as I said in my speech , about trickle transfer is that people should mix as much as possible .
11 You must surely be right when you say in your editorial today ( ‘ Judging public mood ’ ) that judges should dispose of cases on their merits rather than , as Lord Chief Justice Taylor suggests , pass sentence with an eye to the public 's expectations .
12 Now , as you said in your paper , the latent thoughts are often very very different from the , from the er manifest thoughts , th they 're way away from them .
13 Although economics may not be a staple of mass-market science fiction , it is hardly ignored , as you say in your final schools brief on economics ( March 9th ) .
14 Another time I shall talk about taxes , which , as we said in our election broadcast a week ago , we plan to reduce by being careful with your money — another good idea that no-one else had thought of .
15 As we say in our our paper , we use the phrase wildly supportive of the concept .
16 The war 's momentum was too great for George to stop it quickly , but when he said in his speech ‘ I glory in the name of Briton ’ he was stressing the fact that , unlike George I and George II , he had been born and brought up in Britain , possessed an overseas empire to be proud of , and saw no need to pay particular attention to the problems of Hanover .
17 I know it 's there , but I thought that John struck with me a very powerful note , when he said in his conference speech , I should share these things first in private .
18 Erm er on that basis erm we would and and even allowing for even allowing for a dense movement from Bradford to North Yorkshire , erm we as it said in our statements , are happy that that movement will not hinder urban regeneration in the urban area of the Bradford Metropolitan district .
19 As he said in his first novel , answering one of his early girlfriend 's naive questions , ‘ What was it like to have no father ? ’ he laconically answered , ‘ It made you more grown-up .
20 However , polls can turn out to be unreliable — as the UK discovered in its own general election earlier this year — and Cook places 11 states and their 124 votes in the toss-up column ; so the president may yet find himself coming home from behind , as he said in his Labour Day speech , like his famous predecessor , Harry Truman .
21 At that time I knew very little about Montaigne : but Eliot had come to him through Shakespeare and the influences upon Shakespeare ( who must have read the Apologie de Raymond Sebond ) ; and , as he said in his essay on Pascal , Montaigne 's outlook is the only credible alternative to that of belief .
22 ‘ And , as he said in his letter , it was all right for him to rough it a little while he was on his own , but he has Elise to think of now . ’
23 As he says in his autobiography , ‘ I had to take every race as it came and just try to win it because whatever happened to Niki — and the Ferrari was not relevant to me at that point .
24 We can read this assimilation of characters either as an irony beyond the Miller 's ken , confirming the limits of his churl 's intellect , or as a droll piece of self-examination and reflection on the character 's part : the Miller might , as he says in his prologue , be a cuckold as John is .
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