Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] will not [be] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd better set off , or I wo n't be there at the station and he 'll think I 'm not coming .
2 I do n't want to stiffen up or I wo n't be able to model anything . ’
3 The the particular point that that I wish to pick up on though was from M Mr Curtis and his reference to erm the draft P P G thirteen , and whilst I 'd say that the point of the H B F that it 's only a draft publication at this stage , there 's in my view been too mu much over reliance on the reference in there to self containment , you see if we look at that particular paragraph , two point one two , it actually says avoid the development of small new settlements which are not to , sorry , I 'll start that again , avoid the development of small new settlements which are not be likely to be well served by public transport , or which will not be largely self contained .
4 But nearby are equally fascinating sites where you wo n't be nearly so bothered by the crowds .
5 Put it on a plate and find a quiet place to sit where you will not be disturbed by other people , by the radio or by the telephone .
6 Find a quiet , well-ventilated room with pleasant surroundings if possible , where you will not be disturbed for at least fifteen minutes .
7 Your personal experience of relationships and interaction with others can be enhanced and built upon in a constructive way , thus helping to inspire both personal confidence and a learning environment where you will not be inhibited from admitting to a lack of knowledge or understanding .
8 ‘ Get some rest , Nolan , or you wo n't be fit for Groundsel tomorrow . ’
9 ‘ Drink your coffee , or you wo n't be ready when David comes . ’
10 And if they offer the unit or investment trust options , they must also offer shares or you will not be able to invest the maximum amount .
11 For some things you may find it difficult to see how to improve on them or you will not be able to think of suitable substitutes .
12 All your endeavours should thus be directed to earning money , and you should be very careful to spend as little as possible , or you will not be able to travel in an honourable fashion …
13 Never cut off the excess fabric across the corner or you will not be able to let the curtain down .
14 A solicitor in divorce law or conveyancing will not deal with the music business on a day-to-day basis and he or she will not be able to advise you fully on the terms of a music industry agreement .
15 Nannerl must certainly have a fur rug for the journey , or she will not be able to stand the cold in a half-open coach .
16 For " reading for meaning " to occur it is necessary for recognition to become automatised through practice , because until the reader no longer spends time thinking about the identity of individual words , he or she will not be able to think about their role in the sentence .
17 He or she will not be responsible for hearing appeals on matters of law relating to a person 's tax liabilities , or for property valuation appeals ; those will continue to be the responsibility of the independent general and special commissioners for tax and the relevant tribunals for valuation matters .
18 ‘ Oh , I 'm sure I can think of somewhere suitable , somewhere nice and quiet where we wo n't be disturbed while we have our little talk .
19 Without preamble , he said , ‘ Helen says we can talk in that little room through there , where we wo n't be disturbed . ’
20 ‘ We have to cut costs or we wo n't be able to remain competitive . ’
21 ‘ But wash it first or there wo n't be any there to dye . ’
22 The head of the Deutsche Bundespost Telekom , Helmut Ricke , urged the government and opposition to strike a deal in crucial talks next week on the privatisation of the state-owned concern , Reuter reports from Bonn : the talks between the government and the Social Democratic opposition are due to resume May 14 : politicians on both sides of the debate , which resumed last month , agree a decision must be reached before the Bundestag 's summer recess on July 3 or there wo n't be enough time in the legislative calendar to pass the bill before next year 's parliamentary elections ; TeleKom finance director Joachim Kroeske complained to the Wall Street Jorunal that ‘ We have an organisation more like a bureaucracy than a real company — we have civil servants with lifetime employment , high pensions and salaries that correspond to the length of service and how many children they have . ’
23 Unfortunately in some cases there will either be only two connectors or there wo n't be sufficient space on the cable to accommodate the drives in their bays .
24 Right let's get back to my house or there wo n't be time to make this case before dinner time .
25 Or there wo n't be only , might be more at
26 They , they , they exist erm , princ a very common finding in psychoanalysis is that things will , will , will exist as word representations , with no feeling representation , or they wo n't be connected to , to er they 'd be completely isolated .
27 The performance has to be convincing , or they will not be lured away from the vulnerable nest or young .
28 Choose a spot where it will not have direct sunlight falling on it and where it will not be overheated by a radiator or other room-heater .
29 Contingent liabilities where it will not be possible to assess objectively prior to completion the likelihood of crystallisation , the possible timing of crystallisation and/or the financial effect ( for example potential environmental damage claims ) .
30 In the past , psychologists have even claimed that ‘ the world will be saved by the psychologists , or it wo n't be saved at all ’ ( Maslow quoted in Pečjak 1985 : 268 ) .
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