Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] he [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 Although , she reasoned realistically , if he had been fooling around behind her back it indicated that what he felt for her fell very far short of love , in which case he would probably have cancelled the wedding if she had n't .
2 Useless at the moment to try to touch her , to convince her that what he felt for her was love and a pity so enormous that it was almost unmanning him .
3 Place was further of the opinion that what he described for London went for the country as a whole .
4 Does my right hon. Friend accept that there is much to be commended in general in his decision to reduce the infantry battalions by only 12 , 13 or 14 per cent. , which is a great deal better than what he did for the Regular Army ?
5 Bruce had a simple pendulum of the kind people employ to locate water , and which he used for diagnosis .
6 Randy loved himself and everything he stood for .
7 She was afraid he would ask her about herself and to forestall this she asked him to tell her about his training and what he hoped for in the future .
8 Yet , without doubt , they would have been horrified by Morris Zapp and what he stood for .
9 He knew who he was and what he stood for , and he was not ashamed of it .
10 Preston , in the idle early hours when he was n't watching fifties horror movies , sometimes speculated on what kind of person he was and what he did for a living .
11 He looked elegantly at home , quite above this sort of thing , and she could n't help wondering who he actually was and what he did for a living .
12 He did n't know whether what he felt for her was love , affection or pity , or a mixture of all three .
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