Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have always been " in BNC.

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1 In Bohemia especially , with its long tradition of industrialisation stretching back to the 1830s , where there has always been a strong commitment to the idea of social equality , where the call for national equality against the Germans had a strong social context , it 's quite logical that some kind of socialist or social thought will in the end prevail .
2 There has been some lobbying for the manuscripts now to stay exactly where they have always been , which is in the princely Hofbibliothek in Donaueschingen , surrounded by the greatest private library of printed books ( 500 incunables and 130,000 later works ) in Germany .
3 London stayed where it had always been — at least since Roman times .
4 It is unexportable , because prescription , the inherent authority of that which has always been so , is a writ which runs only where it has always been so and amongst those amongst whom it has always been so .
5 Although I 've always been saying that the lower ranked players should get more money , and we should re-distribute the money .
6 Now of course it would depend very much on and whether you were in a drought situation as we were until last year or whether it 's like we 've been over this last summer and early winter which is that virtually not a day has passed without we 've had some rain , in which case obviously the roof is going to get cleaned up very much quicker but I have to say that although I 've always been under the impression that it 's not a good idea to save water off a new felt roof er because of deposits that come off the mineral felt .
7 ‘ I was a Classic in my youth , madam , and although I have always been deeply interested in the works of the Roman poets and the Roman historians I have never been able to summon up much enthusiasm for Roman architecture .
8 Warnock , under fire after a 6-0 blasting by Millwall , said : ‘ Millwall was a body blow but I 've told my players that I 've always been a fighter .
9 Before that I 've always been involved in women 's journals , including Women 's Report which is one of the early women 's monitoring journals in this country .
10 And I explained to them it 's because having been unemployed most of my professional life that I 've always been short of money and that 's what 's led me to work on very cheap materials .
11 There , in the fact that , that same evening , when I can promise you that I 've always been a most truthful man , I , to my own amazement , discovered that I was mouthing lies . ’
12 Spoiled by the fact that I had always been treated with respect because I was a veterinary surgeon , a member of an honourable profession .
13 Now , the reason I called was , that I have always been out of the phone directory ever since my name got well known in showbiz .
14 ( I subsequently had ( 27 April ) a site meeting with an EGBT official , who completed a proposal form on the spot — however , the funding aspects are not my main concern here ; suffice it to say , 1 ) that I have always been confident that funding would be secured from one source or another , and 2 ) that my direct approach to SNH was done only because I had indications that their project approvals took months rather than weeks — something I have subsequently been assured is not true ) .
15 When Vron had sobbed it all out after showing her prospective stepson photographs of herself having a handjob with no clothes on for money , she explained to me at throaty length and with hot tears still foiling the points of her lashes — that she had always been creative .
16 When Vron had sobbed it all out after showing her prospective stepson photographs of herself having a handjob with no clothes on for money , she explained to me at throaty length and with hot tears still foiling the points of her lashes — that she had always been creative .
17 That she had always been in control before he had come on to the scene and turned everything upside-down .
18 Another rumour countered that she had always been unpleasant and had thus never had a love-affair , unhappy or otherwise .
19 Part of her power is that she has always been there for her children , part of her sadness is that they have betrayed that care by what she sees as dereliction of duty .
20 ‘ You mean to tell me , Peter , that you 've always been aware of this spate of ‘ reprisals ’ on officials of the fallen Government ? ’
21 I say that perhaps you might be a ‘ vulnerable ’ person , because you say that you 've always been ‘ a bit of a worrier ’ , finding it difficult to relax ; and your mother also appears to have been an anxious person .
22 In order to calculate what your entitlement to the additonal reg=additional pension is , the DHSS starts by assuming that you have always been contracted in .
23 The thing about my life , he wrote , is that everything has always been too late .
24 It is only when one has haunted the markets of France and the food shops in the country towns and villages , watched the housewives doing their shopping , listened to them discussing their purchases at the pâtisseries and the charcuteries that one realizes how much less they are tied to their kitchens than we had always been led to suppose .
25 ‘ We have the best trained , the best qualified law enforcement officers that can be found in any major city in the world so we have always been able to maintain solid protection for our community without having the comparable size departments that other cities have , ’ he says .
26 They were a kindly couple , rather older than one would have expected , although there had always been a suggestion of old-fashionedness about Dorothy as a child .
27 Although there had always been an autonomous Communist Party of Slovakia within the CPCz , no such organization had existed in the Czech lands of Bohemia and Moravia except briefly during the Prague spring of 1968 when such a party was mooted .
28 The Councils of both Societies , in agreeing to support the publication of the new journal , took a conscious decision that it should contain only papers of the highest quality , and that papers from Scotland 's universities , and papers on Scottish geology , should form the major part of the publication , although there has always been scope for the publication of papers on other areas , including some important theoretical papers .
29 Joe Strummer and Shane MacGowan ( left ) share the spotlight in happier times , while above Terry Woods and Philip Chevron prove that there 's always been more than one voice in The Pogues .
30 Erm , on the emergency call out I getting surprised that this council insist that it 's lit if we do n't need it er at all service , I 'm sure , I 'm quite certain that we have never been told that there 's always been a question of anything that goes to actually give us a better call out service .
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