Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 I opened it , and I got my answer , and it set me thinking afresh and seeing clearly where I had formerly been blind .
2 where I 've never been , and , on the wall ,
3 Likewise , a command enjoining some action which was logically impossible , or which had already been carried out , or a lie that through ignorance on the part of the perpetrator turned out to be objectively true , can both be considered defective through the lack of a canonical trait .
4 By this time Lewis was off into a fantasy in which a girl Adam had got pregnant had been abandoned by him with their child at Wyvis Hall where she had later been murdered by a sinister caretaker .
5 Alix drove on to the staff car park , as Technicolor Viennese figures in ball gowns , wearing ruby pendants , flowered corsages , turned in her mind , in a scene that derived less from Vienna ( where she had never been ) than from Tolstoy 's descriptions of balls in War and Peace .
6 They took her to a small , perfect restaurant , where she had never been before , and fed her on soup and fish and meat and cheese , all of a quality and in quantities she had only dreamed of during the war .
7 A world of dizzying sensation where she had never been before ?
8 Do n't forget that you 've got an allowance each , and it 's not likely to affect many people , except where you 've perhaps been left something that you want to dispose of or a property that you want to dispose of , in which case there could be a capital gains liability .
9 in the kitchen , where you have never been .
10 He was a free-thinker — one whose thoughts ranged widely over every unorthodox idea , forging connections where none had previously been contemplated .
11 Certainly previous experience shapes present and future conduct but the good teacher or the good manager will not be contented simply with repeating what he or she has already been through without questioning the constraints of the organization which seems to stand in the way .
12 It involves visits to the homes of children who are either convicted offenders , children at special risk , or who have recently been involved in trouble and have come to the attention of the police .
13 erm er if there 's anybody who you feel erm next door or who have recently been married cos it 's obviously a great help to people who have just recently been married .
14 Anyone who can see — or who has ever been able to see — is able to visualize .
15 The Ludicrous lads may lambast Carter for ‘ boldly going where we 've already been ’ on their new album , but another track , ‘ Bloody Proud ’ , bristles with blatant Fall references , including a riff suspiciously akin to ‘ Could n't Get Ahead ’ .
16 None of us knew exactly where we were , so the captain decided to continue sailing eastwards , where we had never been before .
17 Not with Abraham , but back where we have already been , in the World of God 's making and the Garden of his planting .
18 Areas where there had previously been little opportunity for women to have waged work ( the coalfields of the old peripheral regions were the classic example ) would provide such a reserve of labour and would therefore be attractive to manufacturing industry .
19 The bright tangle of plants had become a funereal monochrome , and there was a dullness where there had previously been a dazzling glimpse of the Mediterranean .
20 silence where there had once been pools
21 And it also implies that where there had once been marriage , there was now divorce .
22 There was a spy-hole where there had once been a knot in the wood .
23 Instead , because his followers were anxious for a fight , he led them against the Auvergne , where there had recently been a conspiracy against him , which he wished to punish .
24 In Bohemia especially , with its long tradition of industrialisation stretching back to the 1830s , where there has always been a strong commitment to the idea of social equality , where the call for national equality against the Germans had a strong social context , it 's quite logical that some kind of socialist or social thought will in the end prevail .
25 Much of the technology used in the Macintosh came via Xerox 's Palo Alto Research Centre where they had also been investigating page printing technology and methods of transferring complex graphics between screens and the printed page .
26 A large proportion of the children have been referred to the school from mainstream schools where they have frequently been seen as having severe behaviour problems .
27 There has been some lobbying for the manuscripts now to stay exactly where they have always been , which is in the princely Hofbibliothek in Donaueschingen , surrounded by the greatest private library of printed books ( 500 incunables and 130,000 later works ) in Germany .
28 Yeah well th cos they 've been waiting up there on the thing and they 've land or they 've just been circ
29 He 's so good seeing he 's only been here two days .
30 John Stork — when in his mid-30s — became aware of headhunting when he found himself on the receiving end of a headhunter 's call for the first time ; in due course he became the successful candidate , but did not take the job , staying on as a member of the international Board of Masius Wynne-Williams advertising agency , where he had earlier been head of research .
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