Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] be seen to " in BNC.

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1 where it is seen to this day
2 V.W. I 'm not quite the loony that I was seen to be six years ago , when I first came in the school .
3 This means that we are seen to be thinking with our partner rather than thinking against them .
4 Agreement with the objectives will help to ensure that they are seen to be important and that activity will be directed towards their achievement .
5 Explain the system carefully and do ensure that it is seen to be fair .
6 ‘ She wo n't rest until she 's seen to your arm .
7 That we are courteous , efficient , and we are seen to be a caring organisation .
8 The local economy may derive benefits from this brain drain , even sufficient to offset the costs , if there is seen to be fair competition between the TNCs and the indigenous firms for trained managerial , technical and craft personnel .
9 Differentials do exist between blue- and white-collar workers , but they appear to be narrower than in most Western companies , and they are seen to be justified by different educational qualifications .
10 They are more likely to do this if they are seen to be making a direct and positive contribution to the school 's consultative and decision-making processes , rather than observing from a distance in a way that underlines the ‘ us-them ’ relationship .
11 They might get at least some credit if they were seen to be laying better long-term foundations for the economy .
12 The passive is certainly more impersonal and factual than the active construction but nevertheless one feels that an analysis such as that of Palmer and Higgenbotham , which equates He was seen to walk away and He was seen to be walking away as both having the reporting " see that " meaning , loses sight of a slight but real semantic distinction .
13 Throughout the early reports there is a constant emphasis on the level and content of the work , in an obvious attempt to stress that adults in ‘ deprived ’ areas are capable of undertaking sustained , demanding education if it is seen to be relevant to their needs .
14 ‘ … that it would look much better if he was seen to be supporting indigenous native art as well as looking to Africa or Latin America .
15 The move caused some surprise in Whitehall , where the belief is that it would be damaging to Mr de Klerk if he were seen to be making reformist moves because of external pressure .
16 Boccara/Boucherit of France had the next fastest time but they were seen to be wash hanging , not for the first time at this level , and a protest was upheld , posing the question why the umpires Riccardo Guala and Glyde Brytt had given white flags .
17 This point may sound very obvious , but it is seen to be crucial when one party to the contract is looking for a way to get out of his contractual obligations and is able to seize upon an ill-defined point .
18 Brownie points for guts , if true ; but public confidence is not going to be restored in the integrity of official information unless it is seen to be properly independent of the government machine that is now exerting its improper pressures behind closed doors .
19 Male carers are often omitted from detailed study because they are seen to be unimportant or assumed to be so few in number .
20 The consequence of this is that women are feared because they are seen to be sexually aggressive , and relations with men are spoiled because a close tie to them , which might otherwise constitute a conflict-free alternative nevertheless connotes a parallel threat of passive dependency .
21 When black youth did appear it was often because they were seen to be a problem .
22 Briefly , then , for we shall be returning to this same point later in the book , it can be said that the performance mode itself can be protective , either because it is seen to be mainly a technical or intellectual task , or because the dramatic form is powerful enough to enhance whatever the participants ' contribution might be .
23 Because it is seen to be of little direct help to teaching , that knowledge and vocabulary is abandoned and left at the college gates as soon as the BEd exams are over .
24 This was a crucial consideration , especially for the unskilled , because it was seen to be their only asset .
25 Collectively , however , the service was not well regarded in the schools since it was seen to be enact many of the tendencies referred to earlier .
26 As far as I am concerned the whole point of Punch is to attack those in authority when they are seen to be acting in a way not worthy of respect .
27 It does not matter whether the overall burden of tax increases , as long as they are seen to be reducing personal taxation .
28 He said he saw no sign of a white stick until after the accident when it was seen to be folded up .
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