Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] be made [adj] " in BNC.

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2 Q What happens if I am ill , have an accident or I am made redundant ?
3 The tug refloated the vessel , towed her to a sheltered anchorage where she was made fit for the tow to Hong Kong , and thereafter towed her for four days to docks in Hong Kong .
4 If the reason was redundancy do not say that you were made redundant but that the job itself became redundant .
5 It is only by looking outside legal doctrine itself that we are made aware that neither the small closely held company ( where there is no separation of ownership and management ) nor the large public company ( where there is a separation of ownership and control ) conform to the legal model .
6 While for some this is a welcome development , for many others this structural change in the labour market reduces the income and the company welfare benefits of those concerned to such an extent that they are made inferior to their colleagues in the primary labour market .
7 The most influential policy norm in the Maud proposals was that local government services should be so organised that they were made available on the most economic basis possible , having regard to economies of scale .
8 In the course of this book I have argued that , despite its unyielding appearance , the problem of holism can indeed be resolved : the stalemate between individualists and holists stems from their failure to perceive a number of dimensions which , once they are made explicit , point toward a solution .
9 Nevertheless , multiple persons and entities , such as ‘ shipowners , ’ ‘ charterers , ’ ‘ possessors of property shipped , ’ ‘ masters of the vessel , ’ their ‘ agents , ’ and even ‘ ships ’ are referred to as carriers in bill of lading law and practice once they are made responsible for loss or damage to cargo .
10 To that end , a working party was set up consisting of members of the Legal Services Committee and representatives of the CLE including the Dean , to work on the detailed proposals of the Law Society once they were made available and to put forward the Bar 's view .
11 Although it was made clear that their incentives would simply extend to exemption from basic customs control ( unless or until their products entered European Community territory ) and that there would be no other special assistance , the government received 45 applications for designation .
12 A tenant should ensure that it is made aware of such an agreement so that it can consider the implications of it .
13 Henry also felt able to authorize a new translation of the Bible and to insist that it be made available to the laity .
14 Polygamy is now going out of favour , especially as the risk of contracting AIDS through multiple sexual partners is high , and as women become more liberated they are demanding that it be made illegal .
15 The Governors considered the job description too vague and asked that it be made precise .
16 Except that it was made back-to-back with a third episode , and there is an extraordinary air of expediency about it .
17 It was for this reason that it was made clear that the negotiations leading to a settlement might best be described as bargaining hence suggesting a somewhat aggressive method of resolving the matter .
18 The investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales could be turned into a perfect television event , and they recommended in addition that he be made available for radio and television interviews .
19 It emerged yesterday that he was made bankrupt two weeks ago today for failing to pay his solicitors for work they had done .
20 It was within his own mode of religious discourse that he was made aware of the need to travel in a certain spirit and to think and act in accordance with specific religious and ethical criteria to which he gave the name Truth .
21 Once it is made clear that the judge makes new law in these circumstances , as conventionalism insists , then it seems plausible that he should choose the rule he believes the actual legislature then in power would choose , or , failing that , the rule he believes best represents the will of the people as a whole .
22 So there was the swings and roundabouts where had they not recognized and had come along with us , to the extent that we thought we could do our , a sharing objective er and it brought them out of the , the attitude that was hitherto adopted where well management really could n't care very much you know , if a man did suffer the loss of er five pound a week or whatever you know , and , and once it was made clear to him that there was no further er er use of the procedure and he could take it through his district you know , if he liked , the man did n't , well on exceptional cases perhaps they may have taken a case through , but er in the majority of cases the man just accepted it , and made up his losses er er later on .
23 It was a privilege which the state guarded jealously and which was made available to business enterprises whose purposes aimed to benefit the public in general as well as enrich the corporators .
24 That was until about two years ago when unfortunately the home where she worked was closed down and she was made redundant .
25 Huitzilopochtli was born of the goddess COATLIQUE , and she was made aware of his conception when a wreath of blue humming-bird feathers fell from the sky .
26 She cast away the unwelcome thought that if she was made redundant she would have to find new work immediately or forfeit that small oasis of security she 'd won for herself .
27 If you are made redundant try to get some sort of retraining as fast as possible , before you lose your nerve .
28 Some mortgage protection policies will give you a breathing space if you are made redundant , but most just cover mortgage repayments in the event of accident or death .
29 For six years , they cheerfully raked in premiums for policies which paid the mortgage if you were made redundant or forced to take time off work because of sickness or accident .
30 Could you cope with repaying the loan if you were made redundant or lost your overtime earnings or were unable to work because of illness ?
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