Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] be for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They stayed where they were for another minute or so , although Jack had to practically hold Ho down while they waited .
2 And reading those terrible things , that you 're for dead , and you have to get up at so many different times .
3 Now that one was for ten years
4 ‘ All I can say is that I recognise the incredible enthusiasm that there is for this sport among a section of the listening public — especially Daily Telegraph readers .
5 A closer look at the DoNH budget reveals extraordinary disparities ; including the fact that they will , by 1995–96 , be giving more than 10 times as much to each of several central London museums than they are for all the national activities and programmes of the English Tourist Board .
6 Although many lone parents work , Table 4 shows that earnings from employment are less likely to be their main source of income than they are for two parent families although for both groups this will be affected by fluctuations in employment and unemployment .
7 This is one field of higher education where in some cases the fees from the overseas student are no higher than they are for British nationals .
8 ‘ Besides the property on Queen 's Drive , there are other busy roads in the city where dwellings are closer to traffic than they are for most of Queen 's Drive , ’ he said .
9 For most of his career Tolkien was a most extreme example of a man with this second urge strongly developed : he was fascinated by names , to give only one example , part of whose nature is that they are for one thing and one thing alone , very hard to reduce to system !
10 Please send contributions direct to the office at Epsom , clearly stating that they are for this fund .
11 That does n't immediately occur to me that it 's for blind people
12 Their justification for doing it is that it 's for this thing , this painting or whatever , and I always wonder if it could n't be more without all that . ’
13 Subject , however , to the help of the court in these various ways , the basic principle underlying the preparation and presentation of a party 's case in the High Court in England is that it is for that party to obtain and present the evidence which he needs by his own means , provided always that such means are lawful in the country in which they are used .
14 Note that Lord Blackburn was convinced that prompt part payment of a debt is in fact a benefit to the creditor but he abandoned the opinion that it is for that reason consideration for the creditor 's promise not to claim the balance .
15 International law recognised that it was for each state to determine the conditions upon which it granted its nationality to ships , subject to there being a genuine link between the flag state and the vessel .
16 " Mr Herriot , " he said as the smoke rose around his ears , " do you ever feel when sammat happens that it was meant to happen and that it was for t'best ? "
17 Baker said in the debate that it was for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to chose the option of peace by withdrawing Iraqi forces .
18 Sometimes , it 's cheaper for a whole family to travel than it is for one person .
19 Since a variety of conduct is included within the term gross indecency , the protection afforded to male patients from sexual exploitation is greater than it is for female patients .
20 Unfortunately , video imaging systems are not very tolerant of contrast , and the range of brightness between the lightest and darkest areas of a picture which can be reproduced is very much less for video than it is for ordinary colour photography .
21 on providing youth facilities in Netherhall than it is for five hundred thousand pounds
22 Gestation is slightly shorter than it is for human mothers .
23 It is extraordinary that it is easier for the EC to export to Hungary , Czechoslovakia and Poland than it is for those countries to export to the EC .
24 Thus , Walker points out that , in 1981 , 66.8 per cent of all pensioners lived at or below the 140 per cent supplementary-benefit level , compared with one-fifth of the non-elderly ; and the risk of experiencing poverty is three times greater for those over retirement age than it is for those below it .
25 It is neither more nor less important that a mentally handicapped adolescent finds a place of work than it is for any other adolescent .
26 Their pre-school life is often more sheltered than it is for white children .
27 If you want to get money out it 's harder than it is for white people — they always check you and go away and phone .
28 Horses learn new things easily when they are young ; it is actually easier for them to learn new things than it is for older horses .
29 It is entirely wrong to assume that older women , who have been involved in employment during their lives , should experience retirement as any more or less significant than it is for older men .
30 But there are those for whom the task is easier than it is for most .
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