Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [be] [noun] like " in BNC.

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1 FO … you acquire the … skill , with practice , of looking at a discharge and being able to say visually in many cases , that there 's things like suspended solids — that it is going to be outside consent ; it is clear to you that sample is going to be outside .
2 If you make it known that there 's stuff like that going on , if you get a band like that you can always just
3 I have , however , pointed out that there are things like nautical charts , voyage systems , harbour regulations etcetera etcetera which is a form of management albeit self management .
4 As a psychologist , you must understand that there are people like Kafka for whom existence is an entanglement , a permanent state of war , while for others — why , at the other extreme they sail through life , seemingly unopposed .
5 People talk about how much of a shock , a wonderful shock , it is the first time you realise that there are places like ours that you can go , but for Boy I had the feeling that coming to The Bar did n't feel like that much of a change in his routine .
6 Of course , these products have more to compete with now that there are units like DigiTech 's new RP-1 about , but where the ME-10 scores highest is its ease of programming .
7 Although they were filter-feeders like the graptolites the bryozoans have not taken to free-floating planktonic existence — they are characteristic benthic organisms .
8 People like Mr Falk are trained and I would have thought that it is people like him who should be involved in such programmes .
9 Nor to tell her that it was women like her who prevented girls doing well in sciences .
10 In that same year Welford Beaton argued that it was people like clerks who made up the bulk of the great movie audience and that they went to the cinema for inspiration .
11 It was something then , to be an artist , and there were people like Gaston around to recognise it , whereas the English , ba , what did the English know of the art of LIVING ?
12 And it 's figures like that , which reinforce Judge Tumim 's view , that another one like it should be established elsewhere in the country .
13 Go to a road race or track meet in Britain or Europe and it 's people like Alan you 'll see .
14 Their expertise lies in enabling others and others to take advantage of arts facilities and helping them erm or working with them to produce the things that happen , for example all the erm posters which were up during last years festival erm were produced in conjunction with community arts which erm has erm er produced on Ditchfern Place , erm and earlier this morning I was thinking that up as I think other councillors did , that more serious of projects which community arts are now entering into er in Chesterton in particularly in the children erm I think councillors went to Dickfield women 's photograph project and it is things like that about giving people confidence to join arts in a way erm with which they might never otherwise have experienced and the community arts have taken just that .
15 And it was works like these , where the kitchen table was strewn with the un-washed remains of breakfast , that helped to give the movement its name .
16 And it was centres like Huddersfield , whose main industries were mining , engineering and textiles , that suffered most .
17 Previously , investigations like this had been done mainly from the outsider 's point of view , and it was men like Evans-Pritchard ( 1902–73 ) , Radcliffe-Brown ( 1881–1955 ) , and , particularly , Malinowski ( 1884–1942 ) , who determined that the only really effective way of understanding the way of life of these peoples was to go and live among them for an extended period of time , learning their language , and becoming accepted as a member of their social groups .
18 How do they get there and what is life like ?
19 But there are times like now when I really miss
20 Er but what I become , I thought you might become more confrontational but you did n't so so you dug a hole for yourself that you could 've dug out of you sat in there but I think you handled that quite well , but there are people like me out there who think they know it all and will have a go at you .
21 But it 's times like that when you find who your friends are .
22 But it 's people like my lodger .
23 It fitted , because she was chestnut like Firelight .
24 The slightest accident on the motorway can become a multiple pile-up because there 's people like him travelling at this speed .
25 Just because there are men like Ken Noakes around , it does n't mean that they 're all bad . ’
26 Because they 're kids like that .
27 Whether it 's watersports like jet skiing and waterskiing or local nightlife , you 'll find everything within easy walking distance of this ideal hotel .
28 The Government ought to take care of them , it 's the least they could do … but as long as there 's eejits like me to fork out a bob or two , the authorities wo n't do a thing . ’
29 these people only refer to farmers when there is news like a food scare to react to .
30 I mean , with women getting equal pay , when women get equal pay , when there are things like adequate maternity leave and women do n't lose their jobs because they have kids , and when there are enough nurseries —
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