Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [be] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been having a bit of a go about putting your hand up but every time he put his hand up I 'm bending over somebody or I 'm in a different part of the room .
2 Events which are severely threatful only for a few days , or which are of a relatively mild or even positive nature , are unlikely to be associated with depression ( see chapter 4 ) .
3 Those countries that could not ‘ keep up ’ with Germany or which were on a different economic cycle from her would suffer badly in terms of their standards of living .
4 Miss Rogers , twice Irish girls champion , got her nose in front at the eighth but was forced to concede the tenth where her second overshot the green into very thick rough and the twelfth where she was in a greenside bunker .
5 As we have seen , this refers to a sense of knowing who or where you are in a society which has increasingly ‘ spread ’ over time and space .
6 It is with the subject in mind that Minton restates his belief that unless a painter paints with love , he or she is like a blacksmith hammering away with appropriate tools but no fire .
7 To provide an illustration , a child who gets into trouble is much more likely to come before a court if he or she is from a poor home and has parents who do not get on with the welfare authorities or the police , than if his or her family is prosperous , respectable and willing to co-operate with the police and social services .
8 Anyone who has been alongside a ship when he or she is in a small boat knows the way she towers over you at a dockside .
9 Furthermore , while these " blankouts " may distress other people , the primary sufferer may find them confusing but may go so far in denial as to accuse other people of having faulty memory for the things said or done while he or she was in a " blankout " .
10 When arriving at the foreign post , will he or she be in a less senior capacity than in the home country because of unfamiliarity with local customs and methods of working ?
11 Our final visit is to Miserden Park , where everything is on a grand scale ; from the borders , which are 100 yards long and 22 yards wide , to the Yew hedges , which take 8 weeks to cut .
12 Where there 's like a little comma .
13 is that erm , have you ever been to it where there 's like a ledge up here you know where you can ski round slowly down the mountain and then there 's a part here and then there 's a run going down there like that sort of thing .
14 Erm , and for some people , well for the whole of the rural economy , it 's harder to , or they 're in a , a lesser income situation , and it 's also availability of credit , or access to funds is much , you know , people have less savings , and so forth , because they do n't save .
15 Hoeness has recently made discreet enquiries about Robins , in action against Tottenham today , and believes he could prise him away from Carrow Road , where he is on a four-year contract , providing the terms were right .
16 Michael was taken to Darlington 's Memorial hospital with serious head injuries and later transferred to the intensive care unit at Middlesbrough general , where he is on a life support machine .
17 It might appear strange to classify a retailer as a manufacturer but this will only happen where he is under a duty to inspect the goods and fails to do so .
18 Carl 's parents Lorraine and David , of nearby Hateley Heath , were at his bedside in Sandwell District General Hospital , where he was on a life support machine .
19 Floy stood where he was for a moment , looking up at the great , shining edifice that was Tara , Ireland 's Bright Palace , the great legendary Citadel of Light , the home of the Wolfkings …
20 Adoption workers need to accommodate in their thinking and practice more than one concept simultaneously , that is , the achievement of ‘ open ’ adoption or adoption with contact where it is in a child 's interests but within a framework of legal security .
21 Now legislation arises either from major political commitments made by the Cabinet ( or earlier by the Shadow Cabinet while the party was in opposition ) , or it is of a more routine nature and comes from within the departments when they find their existing powers insufficient or inappropriate for the conduct of administration along accepted lines .
22 Er he said or he 's in a in a in a little trouble today for allowing two men who had sex of thirteen to go free erm a policeman told the judge that the thirteen year old was more like Mandy Smith than the proverbial school girl with pigtails but she was nevertheless thirteen and the judge said he had better not say she was no angel or the national press would have a hundred field days with him .
23 No bedtime , so everyone was in a foul mood , and thieving and violence and fights seem to take up everyone 's time .
24 I vividly remember , although I was in a thoroughly sleepy condition , telling him that in my view the only proper justification for an enquiry about Mr Profumo 's personal life depended on the possibility that some act of his might have compromised security , because he obviously had information which was secret .
25 I admit that I was not on the Committee and that I am on a steeply rising part of the learning curve , but I shall reach the asymptote fairly soon .
26 ‘ It means that I am in a liaison role here .
27 Consider the statement that I am in a jolly mood , which clearly is not one of the chosen kinds .
28 My father who was not conversant with your rituals , was judged by you to be common ; but you consider me to be your equal at the very moment that I am in a position to look down upon my father who was common , and to be ashamed of my grandfather who was working-class .
29 He added : ‘ The side has been doing really well without me but I 'm out to convince everybody that I 'm worth a place in the side . ’
30 And he said : ‘ The side has been doing really well without me but I 'm out to convince everybody that I 'm worth a place in the side . ’
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