Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] only [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Also the dyslexic child is not necessarily unintelligent because he ca n't write something which you 've just written on the blackboard or which has only just been shown to him in some other way ; the dyslexic person ca n't look up at a blackboard , hold the visual symbols in her mind and get them down on paper in a different position .
2 In the first scene , where he has only marginally greater status than McKendrick ( his university is more prestigious ) , but where McKendrick is a stranger to him , he does not risk threatening McKendrick 's negative face ( the term used by Brown and Levinson ( 1978 ) for the individual 's desire not to have one 's freedom impinged upon by others ) by encroaching on his conversational space through interrupting .
3 Either that , or he had only yesterday decided to bow to fashion and grow a beard .
4 Here I am , for Chrissakes , about to dine alongside two people who knew Claudia Cohn-Casson , in surroundings she knew well , in an ambience which I know ail too well , although I have only just arrived .
5 I apologise for the fact that I heard only about 40 minutes of the Minister of Agriculture 's speech .
6 To test it 's authenticity I chose a dozen snails in garlic butter to start a dish that I 'd only ever eaten in Paris before .
7 I realised that I had only just been in time before all traces of cropmarks had been obliterated .
8 The very fact that I had only properly discovered a foundation of happiness when separated from the world should have shown me that the tendency of the world was to flood and destroy such a thing .
9 However , I would suggest that this score is inflated by " Terra " , a proper name that I have only ever seen in a science fictional context to refer to the planet Earth .
10 ‘ What she did n't say and was too embarrassed to talk about was an uncanny feeling that she had only recently become aware of , but now realised had been growing in her ever since she had set foot on Titron .
11 The only survivor I interviewed who had not married and who had always worked , told me that she had only once been unemployed , for a period of 6 months , when she got a temporary job selling insurance .
12 ‘ Perhaps it was a sign that she 'd only just realized she 'd done something wrong with her life . ’
13 He 'd spoken so quietly , his face against the top of her head , that she 'd only just heard his words .
14 The uncharacteristic fuss and fluster in Ivy 's manner was surely a proof that she knew only too well which letter he was talking about and was in mortal dread of the family finding out .
15 But then her movement was arrested by the sound of a door opening and closing on the far side of the room , and a voice that she recognised only too well .
16 ‘ Down To Earth ’ will prove that she has not only mastered here medium , but that she has only just begun .
17 As she comes to , outside the duty-free wristwatches , it suddenly occurs to her that she 's only ever had one holiday with Chris before , and that was three days in northern France .
18 It 's difficult to remember you 're new here — and that you came only yesterday .
19 ‘ However , I see that you 've only just got up . ’
20 Imagine friends that you see only once a year , say at Christmas time .
21 ‘ It may interest you to learn , oh Wise and Wonderful One , ’ said Cassie tartly , ‘ that we 've only just got rid of a woman Prime Minister .
22 or whether there is really a situation there , which probably has been going on since time in memorial , that we 've only just started to hear about it .
23 Indeed , the most potent argument against it may be that we know only too well how protectionism contributed to the great depression of the 1930s .
24 Apparently he was a bit worried , so I said — oh , it sounds silly — that we 'd only just got back , that I 'd just sat down … . ’
25 CW said that we had only just discovered how inefficiently the network had been set up by the previous company , and that the speed would be substantially improved by the network upgrade .
26 I could n't really cope with this separation , despite that fact that we live only about a minute from the SCBU .
27 Some modern bomb calorimeters are so sensitive that they require only very small amounts of sample .
28 The first inkling that these stony meteorites might not be samples of asteroidal-sized bodies came when isotopic age determinations indicated that they crystallised only about 1.3 x 109 years ago .
29 Further experiments showed that sloth metabolism was so slow that they defecated only once a week .
30 ‘ By contrast , talking to small and medium-sized businesses in the South-East I often find that they have only ever experienced one recession the current one and it can prove fatal . ’
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