Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] them to " in BNC.

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1 Right , and you get them to something that you can deal with , because the one thing you can not deal with right , we want to think it over , it is n't matter where you take them to , right whether it 's the bathroom window , whether it 's the one in
2 You have to care for them , which means starting from where they are in life , not where you want them to be , and taking their lives and lack of belief seriously .
3 Fairness requires that we judge a defendant on the facts as he or she believes them to be .
4 ‘ Either we terrorise them into submission , or we abandon them to the vacuum of a permissive existence .
5 He had developed a terrible memory for who he drove and where he drove them to .
6 He used to go to a lotta places er that as knocked down or , well I could n't tell you the kind of job , but often there was some locks on the premises was er , perhaps needed repair or he wanted them to be in before he could leave the job and say here you are , that 's the job done .
7 The motorist is driving too fast because he does n't expect any children , or he expects them to be careful ’
8 I mean , I write things in a certain way , so I expect them to be played in a certain way .
9 She would cook them all a good breakfast and make it clear that she expected them to be at the table on time .
10 It was only the other day that she showed them to me .
11 When you listen to their records they 're always a lot slower than you perceive them to be .
12 One thing said in support of the idea that we take effects to be probable events , and , more particularly , said against the analysis expounded in this chapter that we take them to be necessitated events , is relevant enough , although likely to be disdained by the high-minded .
13 Hunter , Joyce , and Redruth were told what was happening , and were less surprised that we expected them to be .
14 For the trouble with the great and the good is that we expect them to be on duty the whole time .
15 ‘ Games come earlier than we want them to , other times not quickly enough ! ’
16 Auer did , in fact , produce such fine raised patterns that Austrian government representatives found the resemblance so close ‘ that they took them to be real lace , until , by touching and closely examining them , they convinced themselves that they were the production of the printing press ’ .
17 French workmen fleeing from the dock were fired on because the Germans thought this was an organised rising , the explosions coming so long after the raid that they took them to be the work of the Free French Resistance Movement and threatened reprisals if the ‘ revolt ’ did not stop .
18 they always seemed backward , they found that they took them to different specialist and the truth is , they 've both left school now and got jobs , but they were er , dyslexia
19 He also advocated the appointment of prison inspectors and made it clear that he expected them to be as thorough as he himself had been , probing every corner and speaking with every prisoner .
20 Florence of Worcester [ q.v. ] says Canute sent Edward and his brother Edmund to the Swedish king to be killed , but that he passed them to Hungary , where Edmund died and Edward married Agatha , daughter of the brother of an Emperor Henry .
21 On that night he watched himself in the mirror all night , and for the very first time he was the one who asked for things and who made things happen in the order that he wanted them to .
22 Wants you to be — ’ Nutty paused , not quite sure what he wanted them to be , but knowing that he wanted them to be something other than they were .
23 He loved shrubs , especially lilac bushes , which Jean had consequently banned from her garden , so he brought them to our place .
24 As his father had shown him jewels , so he showed them to Grégoire .
25 Our amendments would er restore democratic accountability for police authorities , they would remove the proposed concentration of power in the hands of the Home Secretary and I commend them to the Committee .
26 My mother then gathered them up and put them in a container , and I took them to a nearby stream and let them go with goodness knows what effect on the environment .
27 And as part of the deal , I had some petty cash with which to buy them all sandwiches and coffee so they could get changed or dressed while they ate and I took them to the next job if they had one , or wherever they wanted to go .
28 And I believe them to be the some of the nicest maps I 've ever seen .
29 " When these telegrams came I ran down and opened the door to the boy and I showed them to Mummy and she began very bravely , how lovely dear , and then began to cry and shut herself in her room .
30 And I add them to me colle collection of ones and twos .
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