Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ever since she gave up full-time employment where everyone touched their cap to her , she 's found the loss of identity difficult to cope with .
2 If the foreign gene codes for a protein that is toxic to insects or which affects their metabolism , then the resultant recombinant virus may well be more pathogenic than the wild-type virus .
3 It defined traders as all persons using the trade of merchandise by way of bargaining , exchange , bartering , commission , consignment or otherwise , in gross or by retail , or who sought their living by buying and selling , by buying and letting for hire or by the workmanship of goods and commodities .
4 However , when you live alone and you are inviting comparative strangers to your party , it is wise to enlist the help of a friend beforehand to help you cope , particularly if you do not feel you could deal with evicting people who might become drunk or who overstay their welcome .
5 Students who drop out or who fail their college courses are often those who failed to come to terms quickly with their new environment and to make the necessary personal adjustments to fit into that environment .
6 In the event , they rose from their seats , booed and shuffled out to the box-office , where they demanded their money back without success .
7 They were all walking along the lane that led to Ferngrove Park , where they held their Pack Meetings .
8 ANNADALE emerged victorious after the fourth and final round of the Panasonic League at the Antrim Forum where they increased their lead over Ballymena and Antrim .
9 ( Nothing to do with mice or holes but probably a corruption of the Cornish Moweshayl , young women 's river — perhaps where they did their washing . )
10 His daughter and her fiance are left on stage , where they confirm their love for each other with a poetry that Eliot would have once found impossible to write :
11 ‘ Some savers like term shares where they tie their money up for a set period in return for a limited guarantee regarding the interest , ’ says Willis .
12 This is blue-sky country where they play their music in that western way , the women are sultry , the men drawl from beneath crew-cuts — and shocking things go on behind the blinds and the white picket fences .
13 Delegations from Senegal and Guinea-Bissau met in Sao Domingo , Guinea-Bissau , on May 29 , 1990 , where they reaffirmed their commitment not to harbour members of each other 's subversive movements and undertook to strengthen military co-operation .
14 After being in The Birthday Party , where everybody wanted their part to be as loud as is humanly possible , it 's quite refreshing to find someone who does n't even care if he 's on the record or not ! ’
15 Either they are one of the best of the bunch at home , or they make their name abroad .
16 Often the press reports fail to state the facts completely or they slant their account of the case .
17 Or they made their contribution through Lutheran forms , as happened in the famous case of Greiter 's melody for Ps.119 , ‘ Es sind doch alle ’ .
18 ‘ Here ! ’ he said , looking about him and seeing he had their attention .
19 Anyway , please could you thank GEORGE most sincerely for his endeavours — the fact that everyone pulls their weight up there ensures the place runs at minimal cost to all users .
20 Among adults , the ideal is that everyone treats each other as an autonomous equal , and that everyone performs their material and ritual obligations to the community .
21 I welcomed the Mozartean Players ' disc of the two Mozart Piano Quartets ( ) with open arms and I must say that I like their set of the Trios even more .
22 We are altogether too frivolous towards feet and it is time that someone put their foot down .
23 They 'll be shot , so I take their pay to them . ’
24 ‘ They have adopted me now , of course , so I bear their name , though Lara , my aunt , sadly died two years ago . ’
25 Nothing serious yet , although she sensed their friendship was changing in a subtle sort of way .
26 Her shoulders sagged in defeat and it became clear to the watching man that she accepted their veracity .
27 She made it clear that she wished their relationship to continue , but could nor tolerate Charles 's violent outbursts .
28 After a few seconds ' thought I realised that she meant their President , that is the former General who was dictator with the continuing consent of their other commanders .
29 It was not that the family did not make her comfortable or spare any expense to see that she had the clothes and servants she needed , but rather that she found their way of life , their attitudes , their conversation , humour , tastes and ideas completely alien to everything she was used to .
30 It was in the pain that she found their love and tested it and found it so true that the bond would never break .
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